Okowa mourns, political aide, Okakwu



Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta has sent condolences to the family of his late Senior Special Assistant (Political), Chief Martin Okakwu, who passed away on Wednesday.


Okakwu, who hailed from Ebu, Oshimili North Local Government Area, reportedly died at the National Hospital, Abuja, where he was admitted for a few weeks. He was 65.


In the condolence message by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Olisa Ifeajika, in Asaba, Okowa expressed deep sadness over the incident, saying that it was a big loss to the family and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).


According to him, the passing of the PDP chieftain is a big blow to our party, his family and his Ebu community, considering his invaluable contributions to the partyā€™s victories in the state.


The governor described the late Okakwu as a fearless and bold politician who made friends for the party across the state.


He noted that Okakwu’s concern for the growth and development of PDP and his community and local government area was laudable, and stated that he would be greatly missed by his political associates and others whose lives he touched.


He said: ā€œOn behalf of the government and people of Delta, I mourn the passing of an astute politician of amiable personality.


“Chief Okakwu was a renowned party leader, with outstanding reach at the grassroots, and contributed his quota to the development of the state.


ā€œThe news of his death came to me as a great shock for he was a valued asset to PDP in Delta and distinguished himself in the service of the party and his people.


“He contributed hugely to our party’s victories in several elections in his Ebu community and Oshimili North.ā€


Okowa prayed to God to accept the deceasedā€™s soul and grant fortitude to the family and friends to bear the loss.



Politics: Participate, vote, advocate good governance, Okowa charges Nigerians


Delta Governor, Sen. (Dr) Ifeanyi Okowa, on Tuesday, called on Nigerians, particularly Christians, to participate actively in the political process through voting at elections and in advocacy for good governance and credible leadership.


The governor made the call in a Keynote AddressĀ  entitled “The Christian and Responsibility” which he delivered at the Standing Committee Meeting of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) held at All Saints Catheral, Rumuokwurusi, Port-Harcourt.


He said that Christians must exercise their right to vote and elect leaders that would govern them, adding that it was doubtful if 50 per cent of eligible voters among Christians voted at elections.


Okowa pointed out that it would be uncharitable for any Nigerian, including Christians, to complain about political issues and bad governance when he or she did not participate in electoral processes.


“I say this because many Nigerians seem to have convinced themselves that votes do not count, but let me hasten to add that they are greatly mistaking.


“Votes count, and refusing to vote is what gives room for the bad guys to manipulate the process.


“I, therefore, call on every Bible-believing Christian to go and register to vote. I believe we can all afford to pay the price to elect the right people into office.


“If we fail in this civic responsibility, we lose our right to complain about bad governance or incompetent leadership,” he said.


He urged religious and political leaders to sharpen their spirit of discernment and ask God for wisdom in responding to public enquiries.


According to him, Christians must show good examples in their work places, and those who profess faith in Christ must honour and obey earthly governments to ensure law and order and promote good governance.


“Our first responsibility as citizens of an earthly nation is to respect and obey the laws of the land.”


Urging Christians to ensure that they paid tax, the governor said “governments all over the world need taxes to be able to fulfil the obligations of good governance, employment generation, effective transportation, quality education, decent housing, efficient justice system, public security and safety.


“It is an open secret that in Nigeria, only public sector workers and those in the organised private sector pay taxes and that is because it is deducted at source through the PAYE system.


“The rest of the population avoid paying tax and for the reason that governments are corrupt, wasteful and inefficient but the word of God does not excuse Christians from this responsibility under any circumstance.”


He said that as the conscience of the nation, religious leaders had a responsibility to maintain an independent, unbiased and non-partisan approach in matters of politics and governance.


“When religious leaders publicly identify with a political party, they create problems for themselves and their ministry; they lose the right and ability to reach those in the other parties with the message of the gospel.”


He urged Christians to prayerfully assess candidates and vote for those with demonstrable capacity to lead, proven record in leadership, probity and moral backbone to withstand temptation and shun corruption.


“We must not vote for a candidate along ethnic or sectional lines; we should not even vote on religious and denominational basis because there are hucksters who use religion for political gain.


“Faith-based NGOs must take the lead in the advocacy in fighting for social justice, advocate for the right persons to be elected to office and set agenda for governments at national and sub-national levels.


“And, Christians should desist from the habit of criticising and condemning political leaders, but should not be mute when they are violating the rights of the people, engaging in acts inimical to good governance, or impoverishing the people through unpopular policies.


“We must let our leaders and representatives know where we stand and hold them accountable to God’s standards of truth, righteousness and justice,” he stated.


Primate of Church of All Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Most Rev’d Henry Ndukuba, commended Okowa for his people-oriented and sensitive leadership.


He said that the Church was honouring Governors Ifeanyi Okowa (Delta), Darius Ishaku (Taraba), Willie Obiano (Anambra), Samuel Ortom (Benue), Babagana Zulum (Borno) and Minority Leader of the Senate, Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, for courageous and purposeful leadership in challenging times.


Ndukuba added that the six leaders were chosen across religions and denominations in recognition of their huge sacrifices in providing good governance for the people.





17th February, 2022




The Delta State PDP has lampooned Chief Peter Nwaoboshi, the present Senator representing Delta North Senatorial Zone in the National Assembly, over his boast to defeat PDP in Delta State by any means possible, including violence, in the next general elections, describing it as attention-seeking rabble, from a failed politician who knows he has nothing else to offer.


Reacting to Chief Nwaoboshi’s comments, made while congratulating the newly sworn-in APC Exco in the State, Delta State PDP Publicity Secretary, Dr. Ifeanyi Osuoza, in a Press Statement, reminded the Delta North Senator that his present mandate in the National Assembly, is by the grace of the PDP and he had since outlived his usefulness and had become an embarrassing liability, with his calculated and dubious anti-party actions and comments, even long before he shamelessly decamped to the APC.


Dr. Osuoza’s statement reads: “Our attention has been drawn to comments credited to Chief Peter Nwaoboshi, a former State Chairman of our party and former Senator of the PDP, which was reported in several media thus: ‘Thereā€™s no rigging plan that I donā€™t know. The battle has started. Itā€™s total war. Not the war involving the use of firearms; but they will have themselves to blame should they try that’.


“We have no reason to doubt that such comments were uttered by Chief Nwaoboshi, as they are not remarkably different from his typically verbose and puerile utterings, in his futility to discredit the PDP, since he jumped into the sinking APC boat, in the assumed hope of temporarily escaping the looming indictment of an already done and dusted forensic audit report.


“Indeed, Chief Nwaoboshi had already outlived his usefulness to the PDP and had become an embarrassing liability to the party with his anti-party actions and posturings, right from the very commencement of the 9th Senate when, like a traitor without any iota of political integrity, proudly and in the public glare, became an outstanding turncoat and shameless fifth columnist in the election of the new Senate President.


“We are even surprised that a politician who has achieved all his political fortunes under the steady umbrella of the PDP, will be making comments suggesting rigging and violence. Ironically, we do not recall any extraordinary incidences of rigging and violence in the two Senatorial elections which Senator Nwaoboshi won under the PDP, or is he now confessing to the world that he achieved his Senatorial election victories by violence and rigging? What a shameless man, cutting his nose to spite his face.


“Peter Nwaoboshi knows that the PDP is not a party of violence and we have no reason to rig any election because the PDP is the most popular, the most organized, the most prepared, and the most beloved party of Deltans, comprehensively accepted and unanimously embraced across the length and breadth, nooks and crannies of the entire Delta State.


“It is a political truism that when you are very popular and win elections by landslides, your detractors quickly console themselves by jumping to conclusions that there was rigging. That has been the lot of the opposition in Delta State, in all the forms and nomenclatures they have manifested, to contest in every election cycle.


“We want to emphatically remind Mr. Nwaoboshi and indeed all those beating that drum of stubbornness for him, of what happened to the stubborn fly that refused to listen to good advise, and to assure him that no matter what rigging, violence or even judicial abracadabra the APC is plotting and planning, the PDP is already primed once again, to coast home to victory in 2023 and nothing can stop what has already been destined.


“As for Nwaoboshi, on a personal note, we want to tell him categorically that PDP made him who he is politically, and a politician can never be greater than his maker, for, like that proverb which he knows so well, the Okro (AKA: Abelmoschus esculentus, in case you didn’t know), can never be taller than the person who planted it. The PDP will always bend him to size effortlessly and cut him off without any qualms or stress at all, and there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.


“PDP! Power to the People!!



Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza

State Publicity Secretary

PDP, Delta State.




=N=12 Billion Loan and Delta APCā€™s Small Brain



Delta State Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) has again called attention to the deception of the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) in Delta State, disguised in its cry of wolf where there is none.


The nauseating and brazen distortion this time is propagandized in its latest Press Release titled: ā€œYet Another 12 Billion Naira Loan on the Neck of Deltans, Thanks To Okowa And Delta PDP,ā€ signed by one Dr. Omene Edafe, posturing as Director of Publicity, in which it tried to cast aspersions on, and reduce to a trifle, a serious aspect of governance involving the sourcing of funds to execute government projects.


The PDP response, delivered in a Press Release by its State Publicity Secretary, Dr. Ifeanyi Osuoza, dismissed the APCā€™s rant as cheap and a non-event.


It states: ā€œFrom the uncouth language used to spread its disingenuous information, it is obvious that the aim is to sell a dummy to Deltans by attempting to paint the actions of the Government of Governor Okowa, the PDP and the vibrant Delta State House of Assembly that approved the Governorā€™s loan request, after a careful consideration in bad light.


ā€œUnfortunately for the new APC Executive that came into place via a largely disputed Congress that only got the approval of the court, it is not a surprise that the new helmsman would want to show presence, that they are now in charge and prove to the remaining but discomfited party faithful, by creating false hopes and reaching out to their bag of evil plots, to assail the person of Governor Okowa and the ever soaring profile of the PDP.


APCā€™s claims failed on many scores: First, it did not base its claims on any analysis of facts. Rather, it displayed grammar and highfalutin language that signifies nothing. For instance, the APC statement said:


ā€œOnce again the cash and carry Peoples Democratic Party, PDP-led administration of Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa has connived with the Delta State House of Assembly to obtain a humongous loan of 12 billion naira in a most opaque manner and for highly questionable purposes of absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the good people of Delta State.ā€


ā€œIn the foregoing, itā€™s clear that the APC failed in subsequent paragraphs to prove that the loan request was obtained in ā€œa most opaque manner. Of course, the foolish APC new EXCO wants to obfuscate issues and confuse the unwary that writing to get approval of the House of Assembly is not a fulfillment of the constitutional demand to get the approval of the House.


“It is therefore curious how the dishonest APC would want to hide the fact that Governor Okowa actually wrote as required to the House. And this showed that there was nothing misty about it as the Governor in his letter to the Assembly also clearly stated what the loan request was meant for. Besides, he also told the lawmakers the source for the recovery of the loan facility, meaning that the loan would be repaid before the administration ends.


“The thoughtless APC also stated for mischief, with a view to mislead, that the loan request was meant for ā€œhighly questionable purposes of absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the good people of Delta Stateā€. Haba APC!


For the sake of our loving members, supporters and ever supportive Deltans, the governor in his letter to the House of Assembly stated as follows: ā€œThis bridging finance sum is to be received in six equal consecutive monthly installments of =N=3.037 Billion.


ā€œThe House may further note that in a bid to defray arrears of unpaid certificates earned by contractors with respect to completion of some critical ongoing legacy projects awarded by this administration.


ā€œThis will also help the State take advantage of the subsisting dry season to galvanise contractors toward completing and achieving significant milestones in the ongoing projects.


ā€œThis became necessary to secure bulk funds at minimal costs, pending complete receipts of the Federal Government Nigeria (FGN) bridging finance credits in May 2022.ā€


This certainly made no sense to the APC, the party with the small brain, whose sham focus is to attack and denigrate the good works of the PDP administration. Unfortunately for them, the good people of Delta State know better and cannot be persuaded to think along the biases of the opposition against the person and government of Governor Okowa and the PDP.


We thank the people of Delta State, our members and party faithful for refusing to give consideration to the APC lies. They should continue to see APC as a party that revels in unabashed falsehood, and so unsuitable to rule in Delta State.



PDP! Power to the people!!



Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza,

State Publicity Secretary,

PDP, Delta State.





The Peoples Democratic Party, PDP Delta State Chapter has dismissed the latest Press Release by the State All Progressives Congress, APC, titled “DELTA APC REJECTS ASTRONOMICAL HIKE IN SCHOOL FEES IN DELTA STATE BY PDP-LED OKOWA ADMINISTRATION”, describing it as cheap and dangerous propaganda to mislead Deltans with the intent to score cheap political points.


A statement by the Delta PDP State Publicity Secretary Dr. Ifeanyi Osuoza, reads: “Our attention has been drawn to a spurious and totally provocative, misleading drivel signed by a certain Dr. Omene Odafe, who claims to be the Director of Publicity, APC Delta State.


“We do not wish to join issues with this Dr. Odafe who postures as the new so-called APC Delta Director of Publicity, for the simple reason that we have actually lost count of the very many claimants, charlatans, and pretenders to this title, that we have had to engage in the past four years which, on its own, is a clear affirmation that the APC is still a party in name, without form, structure, and Identity.


“Nevertheless, we equally recognize the desperate effort of this so-called Dr. Odafe and the dire need for him to attract some relevance to justify the fugitive, yet transitory and evanescent nature of his new status, and thus, it behoves us, as a responsible political party to clear the air and doubts on the misleading issue of ‘hike in school fees’ just to humour him, by setting the records straight for Deltans.


  1. The erudite, dynamic, and performing Vice Chancellor of Delta State University, the distinguished Professor Andy Egwuyenga, has already cleared the air and set the records straight on the issue of new fees with his statement thus: “The adjustment is only for incoming students. No increase for stale students. There’s too much ignorance about the emergent issues involved.


”DELSU is still among the least fee-paying universities in Delta State. Some people have made it a sign of heroism to insult me. I take them in good faith. In time to come, the farsightedness in DELSU’s decision will become obvious. DELSU is on the rise and now very competitive as a University. We must swallow the bitter pill now for a sustainable higher education.


”To cushion the pains, we now have installment payment of fees and Students work-study program for indigent students to earn extra money while studying. 50% of the work-study is reserved for new students, whose fees have been increased. As for the doctored audio, people can choose what to believe.”


  1. It is also on record that amongst all the State-owned Universities across the Country, Delta State Universities are amongst the few least fee-paying institutions in the Country for new intakes, stale students, indigenes, and non-indigenes. We, therefore, advise Dr. Odafe, as he embarks on his new onerous and thankless assignment as the latest, interim APC spokesperson, to at least bring some credibility to his status, by doing a little bit of research before rushing to publish in the public space.


  1. In fact and from available, incontrovertible facts, APC States are currently charging far more than DELSU for universities and we want to warn Deltans to beware of APC hypocrisy in its statement, because like universities in APC controlled States, they plan to charge even more, if they manage to achieve the impossible, by smuggling themselves into any kind of position of power and authority.


  1. It is obvious that the APC is completely ignorant of the fact that the Higher Education system is largely autonomous and, like is the best practice worldwide, the management of these institutions evolve policies to sustain and upgrade their standards, without being dictated to by the government.


  1. Sadly again, is the unfortunate situation that APC is merely playing politics with education and not concerned about facts on the escalating cost of higher education, especially at the Federal level, where the APC led government’s mismanagement of education is glaringly manifested and it is part of this incompetence that has led to perennial and unending strikes in Universities, which Nigerian students and parents are now suffering.


  1. Let us equally state categorically here, that the establishment of new universities by the government has democratized higher education and opened access to more Deltans and this is one of the major reasons Deltans will continue to reject APC, because it has no good plans for our children and people.


  1. For the avoidance of doubt, let’s state it clearly once again, that the PDP government in the State is still and will continue to support higher education far more than other State Governments.


  1. We wish to also draw the attention of the ignorant APC to a well-circulated official press statement from THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, STUDENTS UNION GOVERNMENT, DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY, in which the very articulate students’ union leader, Amb. Cyprian Odifili, set out in very brilliant and unambiguous clarity, the efforts of the students union body, to dialogue with all parties including the obviously sponsored “concerned citizens”, as well as the management of DELSU, which are already yielding excellent results.


  1. As for the other silly innuendos and flippant gibberish by the loquacious APC, on the sterling, well documented, and universally applauded performance of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa in the delivery of legacy infrastructural projects and unparalleled good governance, we just want to say that we have heard it all before and we didn’t expect less from Dr. Odafe, who is obviously in a frenzy to impress his new masters that he is equal to the task of promoting a shapeless, formless political party that is confused, fractured, factionalized and completely non-existent, except in name alone.


It is a shame that, in this day and age when Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have been embraced wholeheartedly across the globe as major economic initiatives to create entrepreneurs, and most growing economies are now private sector driven, the hapless APC still has the analog mindset of creating white-collar jobs in a 21st-century economy, instead of applauding the postmodern initiatives of STEP, YAGEP, PPSP, the Micro Credit Scheme and other skills training and support programmes which have created hundreds of thousands of young Delta entrepreneurs already.


Finally, let us assure the APC in Delta State that Governor Ifeanyi Okowa (Ekwueme) is not and will never be distracted by these puerile and kindergarten efforts of the APC, to rake up futile and unnecessary misinformation about the issue of fees in Delta State Universities, in the collective effort towards building and consolidating a #StrongerDelta for Deltans.


Those who value education will soon realise that in the fullness of time, some of these measures will begin to yield results and like the eminent Prof. Egwuyenga said: “In time to come the far-sightedness in DELSU’s decision will become obvious. DELSU is on the rise and now very competitive as a University. We must swallow the bitter pill now for a sustainable higher education”.


APC should therefore stop inciting unsuspecting Deltans to violence, actions capable of breaching the peace and allow genuine well-meaning stakeholders to employ dialogue, which is already ongoing, to address and resolve any and all grey areas.


PDP! Power to the People!!


Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza

State Publicity Secretary,

PDP, Delta State.




President Muhammadu Buhari felicitates with Primate of The Church of The Lord Worldwide (TCLW), His Holiness, Most Rev. Dr. Rufus Okikiola Ositelu on his 70th birthday, joining all Church leaders, members, family and friends to share in the joyous occasion.

President Buhari rejoices with the TCLW leader as he turns a septuagenarian, taking into account his many contributions to national development, particularly in education, health, infrastructure and, most significantly, consistently upholding the nation in prayers.

The President believes the scholarly background of Dr Ositelu greatly impacted on his influence, teachings and leadership, and has translated into gains for many, showing clearly in the many leadership roles he has held, including former Vice President of Christian Council of Nigeria (CCN), former President and initiator, United Aladura Churches (UAC), Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and former elected member of the Central Committee, Executive Committee and Finance Committee of World Council of Churches (WCC).

President Buhari affirms that the Aladura Patriarch’s high sense of patriotism is evidenced in his position on counselling leaders on programmes and policies that directly improve the livelihood of people, empowerment of youth and women and elimination of violence against women and children, which demonstrate his love for humanity.

The President prays for the wellbeing of the church leader in health, strength and wisdom.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

February 23, 2022


House receives reports on 68 amendment bills, set to begin voting on March 2, as Aisha Buhari visits to canvass support for women

The House of Representatives on Wednesday admitted reports on 68 bills seeking to further amend the 1999 Constitution.

The reports were presented and laid by the Deputy Speaker of the House and Chairman of the Special Adhoc Committee on Review of the 1999 Constitution, Rep. Ahmed Idris Wase.

Wednesday’s session was presided over by the Speaker, Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila.

Voting on the bills will begin on Wednesday, next week, to last two days.

By the provisions of Section 9 of the constitution, a bill seeking to alter any part of the constitution must secure the vote of two-thirds (240) of the 360 members of the House to pass.

Gbajabiamila had already asked every member to endeavour to attend the two sittings next week (Wednesday and Thursday) when the votes would be taken on the proposed amendments.

He described the proposed amendments as “far-reaching.”

Ahead of the presentation of the reports, the First Lady, Mrs Aisha Buhari, visited lawmakers on Wednesday and was admitted into the chamber to observe proceedings.

The first lady visited to canvass support for at least three of the bills, which deal with issues relating to women, especially participation in politics, appointments, gender balancing and gender-based violence.

The bills are, “Bill for an Act to Alter the Provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 to Provide for Special Seat for Women in the National and State Houses of Assembly; and for Related Mattersā€; “Bill for an Act to Alter the Provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 to Provide for Affirmative Action for Women in Political Party Administration; and for Related Mattersā€; and “Bill for an Act to Alter the Provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 to, Provide Reserved Quota for Women; and for Related Matters.”

Mrs Buhari visited in company with some female ministers, among them the Minister of Women Affairs, Mrs Pauline Tallen; Minister of Finance/Budget/National Planning, Mrs Zainab Ahmed; and several women groups.

Welcoming the visitors, Speaker Gbajabiamila thanked them for devoting time to follow up on the bills and push for their passage.

The Speaker formally informed his colleagues on the reason for the visit, which he said was to observe the presentation of the reports and be part of the lobbying process.

“Our reports have three provisions that will affect women positively.

“However, there is still a lot of work and lobbying to be done.

“The reports will be considered next week, beginning from Wednesday”, Gbajabiamila stated.

The speaker commended the first lady for using the weight of her office to support many causes in the country, especially for the wellbeing of women and other groups.

Mrs Buhari, after observing the proceedings, was given permission by the House to take a bow, approach the Speaker’s Chair to greet him, before being led out of the chamber by the Chief Whip, Rep. Mohammed Tahir Monguno.




February 23, 2022

Press Statement

PDP Salutes Reps Minority Leader, Ndudi Elumelu on His Birthday

ā€¦Describes Him as Voice of the Voiceless

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) congratulates the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, Hon. Ndudi Elumelu on his birthday, describing him as a fearless and forthright legislator who has been outstanding in fighting for the rights and welfare of Nigerians.

Over the years, Hon. Elumelu has distinguished himself as a humble leader, quintessential legislator and beloved representative of his people, having excelled in his mandate as a lawmaker as well as the leader of the opposition in the 9th House of Representatives.

Our Party is proud of Hon. Elumeluā€™s relentless effort in leading the Minority Caucus to constantly put the All Progressives Congress (APC) administration on its toes through people-oriented bills, motions and fearless contributions on the floor of the House of Representatives for the entrenchment of democratic principles of Separation of Powers, Constitutional Federalism, transparency and accountability, social justice and institutionalization of credible elections in Nigeria.

Hon. Elumeluā€™s courageous efforts in leading the PDP Caucus and other opposition parties in the House of Representatives to ensure the passage of the Electoral Act Amendment Bill in line with the stance of our great Party and desire of Nigerians further shows his belief and commitment towards restoring the supremacy of the people in democratic participation.

The PDP commends Hon. Elumelu for his numerous infrastructural projects and human capital development to uplift the lives of his constituents in Aniocha/Oshimili Federal Constituency of Delta State.

Moreover, the PDP acknowledges Hon. Elumeluā€™s contributions, as a loyal party man, with other leaders of our Party to reposition the PDP in our mission to Rescue and Rebuild Nigeria from misrule.

The PDP family congratulates Hon. Elumelu on this auspicious occasion and prays to God to grant him many more years in good health and service to our dear fatherland.


Hon. Debo Ologunagba

National Publicity Secretary



ā€œI was an excellent father but a woeful husbandā€™ā€™ Nigerian Actor and Producer, Jim Iyke discusses his marriage, spirituality and a lot more


On a new episode of #WithChude, ace Nollywood actor, Jim Iyke sits with the host of #WithChude and co-founder of Joy, Inc., Chude Jideonwo about his journey in the creative industry, dealing with the loss of his mother, his experience with grief, and his failed marriage.

Speaking during the interview, Jim Iyke shares: “There is a part of me that will take the easy route. Every time I did something mediocre in my life, I always did it when I was emotional, because I am extremely strategic and deliberate about everything I do.

I had suffered a loss. My mom was like my best friend, my co partner. People always wonder how he rise from some of these scandals, how he rises from things that are supposed to bury him. I had someone that speaks to a spirit part of me that nobody can speak to and I lost that. When I lost my mom, I could not find my feet for years. The lifestyle, spirituality, connection had already been lost.

I was not told until 72 hours after she passed. I was right in the middle of an interview in London. On the plane, while on my way back home after 72 hours, I asked myself, ‘What would she have expected of me? To take charge.

I came and I took charge as the head of the family, I couldn’t grief, I could not let myself feel.

When I was getting over it. My wife was pregnant with my first son. I had a quiet space. There was nobody to take care of, and because that was my medium to heal. All of a sudden the grief hit me, the loss hit me. I could not sleep unending days, I became irritable. I was no longer the loving man she married.

I lost my sense of humor. I lost the lion in me, and the leader in me. I just gave myself to the elements and she suffered for that. I became an obsessive dad, I took everything in me to my son and left her behind. I took all of my love and attention and I left her behind”




Akpabio gets praise for Exceptional Commitment, performance


Women in the Niger Delta region on Wednesday praised Senator Godswill Akpabio for contributing immensely to the social, economic and political development of the country.

ā€˜ā€™The picture in the Niger Delta region is different. It has been thirty months of development and clear evidence of competenceā€™ā€™.

A statement issued in Port Harcourt by the spokesperson of the Niger Delta Women Reconstruction Group (NDWRC), Dr. Anitorufa Peremoboere commended the Minister of Niger Delta Affairs for his exceptional commitment and performance.

The statement hailed Akpabio for shouldering the heavy responsibility with calmness, giving his best for the good of the Niger Delta people and pursuing with vigour and determination the change agenda of the current administration.

ā€˜ā€™Senator Godswill Akpabio is a beacon of hope and inspiration to the generality of our peopleā€™ā€™

The women applauded Akpabio for accelerating the growth of the region, strengthening administrative infrastructure, improving staff quality and efficiency and working in complete harmony with the National Assembly.

ā€˜ā€™No state is shut out in the ministryā€™s development agendaā€™ā€™

They praised the former Akwa Ibom State governor for using his expertise and intellectual capacity to address long standing challenges in the region.

ā€˜ā€™We need Senator Godswill Akpabio in 2023. The former Akwa Ibom State governor will not run out of Nigeria. Weā€™ll put pressure on him to take part in the 2023 election. His name will be on the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential primary ballotā€™ā€™

The women also commended him for raising the standard of living of the people through water and electrification schemes, road development, education and health-care delivery.

ā€˜ā€™We are most grateful to Senator Godswill Akpabio for the peace of the region, construction of roads and drainages and the well-being of the peopleā€™ā€™

The statement emphasized hard work, integrity, efficiency, dignity and discipline.

ā€˜ā€™We disagree in toto with the points of view of some chronic grumblers outside the regionā€™ā€™

The women urged Akpabioā€™s critics to reckon with the realities, cease advertising ignorance and living in a foolā€™s paradise.ā€™

ā€˜ā€™Akpabioā€™s critics do not believe in development for the Niger Delta region.

The statement also underscored the mad ambition of some politicians to mount the saddle of NDDC leadership and to share the resources to themselves and cronies.

ā€˜ā€™Not only there is a tendency to compare the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) with North East Development Commission (NEDC), but it appears to be the vogue of fake contractors, corrupt politicians and their agents to prejudice the minds of some Nigerians by deliberate lies and perversion of the truthā€™ā€™



Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan marries Natasha Akpoti

Royalty, business tycoons and politicians from around the world will meet in Okene, Kogi State on Saturday, March 5, 2022.

They are expected to attend the high society marriage of the Alema of Warri Kingdom, High Chief Emmanuel Oritsejolomi Uduaghan to Kogi State politician and lawyer, Chief Natasha Hadiza Akpoti.

The traditional marriage ceremony is scheduled to take place in Obeiba-Ihima, Okene Local Government Area.

The time is 10; 00am.


Obasanjo laments decay in Nigeriaā€™s education system




Nigeria Former President, Chief Olusegun Obasabjo has lamented the extent of decay in Nigeriaā€™s education system, calling for all-inclusive reforms to effectively rescueĀ  the sector.

Chief Obasanjo who expressed this worry when the leadership of The Committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities paid him a courtesy visit, at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library,Ā  Abeokuta, Ogun State,Ā  explained that unless the entire system is totally overhauled and comprehensively reformed, the countryā€™s education sector will continue to decline and dwindeĀ  .

TheĀ  delegation whichĀ  wasĀ  ledĀ  by the Chairman of the CVCNU,Ā  Professor Samuel Gowon Edoumiekumo, who also double as theĀ  Vice- Chancellor Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, were in Abeokuta, Ogun StateĀ  to intimate the former Nigeria on the forthcoming 60thĀ  Anniversary CeremonyĀ  of the highly revered organization slated for October 2022.


While welcoming the leadership of CVCNU, Chief Obasanjo emphasized the need for more attention to be directed towardsĀ  investment in education, adding that education is a critical factor driving innovation , technological advancement and employmentĀ  opportunities

According to himĀ  ā€œone of the things we havenā€™t gotten right in Nigeria is educationĀ  and if we get it right; it will be the basis of getting a number of other things rightā€.


ā€˜ if you think education is expensive try ignorance ā€œ


While recounting with fond memories, significantĀ  and land mark achievements recorded during hisĀ  tenureĀ  as the Nation number one citizen, Chief Obansanjo canvassed forĀ  government at all levels to make education accessible and affordable to all and at all levels .


Commenting on the process for theĀ  appointment of Vice Chancellor ,Chief Obasanjo urged the leadership of to restrict itselfĀ  to nominations and assemblage of the necessary credentialsĀ  for the appointment of Vice Chancellors , while appointment of Vice Chancellors should be the prerogative responsibilities ofĀ  State Governors at theĀ  state-owned universities and the PresidentĀ  Federal Universities


ChiefĀ  Obasanjo also suggested some basic qualities requiredĀ  for would-be Vice Chancellor(s);

According to him, the would-be vice- chancellor shouldĀ  be able to provide both academic and administrative leadershipĀ  to the whole university and shouldĀ  also have the capacity toĀ  secure a financial base sufficient to allow theĀ  delivery of the University; mission , aims and objectives


Earlier, the Chairman of CVCNU,Ā  Professor Gowon lauded Chief Olusegun Obasanjo forĀ  grantingĀ  the leadership of CVCNU an audience out of his busy and crowded schedules.


He said the purpose of the courtesy visit wasĀ  to tap from his wealth of experience as a reservoir of knowledge, who was once the Visitor to all the nationā€™sĀ  Federal Universities during his eight rule as the democratically elected President of Nigeria


Prof Gowon said this informed their visit to the one time Nigeria President ,Ā  in viewĀ  of theĀ  preparation to mark the 60th Anniversary Celebration of CVCNU, stressing that the visit willĀ  assist the CVCNU to have a successful outing.


In the convoy of Prof Gowon , Chairman of CVCNU,Ā  was Professor Yakubu Aboki Ochefu and Professor Peace Chinedum Babalola presented him with a Plague of all Nigerian University logos embellished on it.

Others includeĀ  members of the delegation were; Professor Felix Kolawale Salako Vice-Chancellor Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Professor Ayobami Salami Vice-Chancellor First Technical University Ibadan, Professor Ibrahim Gbajabiamila Vice-Chancellor Crescent University Abeokuta and Professor Donald Abidemi Odeleye the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education Lead City University Ibadan. From the Secretariat of the CVCNU we had Ms. Sylverina Olaghere Projects & Programmes Officer and Ms. Karen Daaor Communications Office



Part of the highlights of the visit was a presentation of a plaque of all Nigerian Universities logos embossed on it, to the former President by Professor Yakubu Aboki Ochefu and Professor PeaceĀ  Chinedum Babalola




Obasanjo to Nigerians: If you think Education is Expensive, try Ignorance



The Committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities on the 15thĀ of February, 2022 paid a courtesy Visit to the former President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo GCFR at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library Abeokuta. This delegation was led by the Chairman of the CVCNU in the person of Professor Samuel Gowon Edoumiekumo Vice- Chancellor Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island.

The purpose for this visit was to gain insights and his wealth of experience on his role as the then Visitor to Nigerian Federal Universities, this is in view of our 6oth Anniversary which is scheduled to hold in October, 2022.

In our interaction with Chief Obasanjo, he expressed his concern in the area of our Educational Sector and mentioned that one of the things we havenā€™t gotten right in Nigeria isĀ EDUCATIONĀ and if we get it right; it will be the basis of getting a number of other things right.

He summed up with the saying that goes ā€˜ā€™ If you think Education is Expensive, try Ignoranceā€.

Discussing significant events that occurred during his tenure, he shared his thought on why the President or Governor should have the final say in the Appointment of a Vice-chancellor in Universities; and advised that the Council should be solely in charge after giving criteria and have made nominations.

Obasanjo also mentioned that he believes in Education, Education for everyone and at all levels.Ā  And also, that the interactions between the University and the Towns (Community) are not enough, they need to know what the University about.

Lastly, with regards Leadership, his advice to New Vice-Chancellors would be that; they be should be good Administrators, Sound Academically and most importantly be good in Fundraising.

Professor Gowon thanked him for giving us the privilege and audience to speak with the delegation, after which the Secretary -General of the CVCNU, Professor Yakubu Aboki Ochefu and Professor Peace Chinedum Babalola presented him with a Plague of all Nigerian University logos embellished on it.

Other members of the delegation were; Professor Felix Kolawale Salako Vice-Chancellor Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Professor Ayobami Salami Vice-Chancellor First Technical University Ibadan, Professor Ibrahim Gbajabiamila Vice-Chancellor Crescent University Abeokuta and Professor Donald Abidemi Odeleye the Dean, Faculty of Arts and Education Lead City University Ibadan. From the Secretariat of the CVCNU we had Ms. Sylverina Olaghere Projects & Programmes Officer and Ms. Karen Daaor Communications Officer.


Governors elected under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the Southwest, have congratulated the Osun State Governor, Mr. Gboyega Oyetola, over his victory at the last Saturdayā€™s governorship primary election of the party in Osun State.

At a meeting held at the Ondo Governorā€™s lodge, Asokoro, Abuja on Monday, the Chairman, Southwest Governorsā€™ Forum and Ondo State Governor , Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, said the five Governors from the region elected under the APC platform converged to congratulate and felicitate their brother Governor, Oyetola, over his victory.

ā€œMost importantly, all of us decided to meet so that we will have the opportunity of congratulating our colleague, the Governor of Osun State who won his primary in a manner which we expected.

ā€œSo all of us are happy for him, that’s why we all stayed so long, congratulating our colleague who won the election.ā€ Governor Akeredolu said.

Chairman of the Nigeria Governorsā€™ Forum and Ekiti State Governor, Dr. Kayode Fayemi, Lagos State Governor, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, his Ogun State counterpart, Governor Dapo Abiodun as well as Governor Gboyega Oyetola were present at the meeting.

Richard Olatunde

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Ondo State.

February 21, 2022.

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