Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Office of the Special Adviser on Communications

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Headquarter, Mabushi P.M.B. 111, Garki – Abuja, Nigeria

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 




  • As Minister inspects Keffi-Makurdi Road, National Housing Programme, FederalĀ Ā Secretariat in Nasarawa
  • ā€œOur role as a progressive government is to improve the human conditionā€, he says
  • Advocates collaboration, rather than agitation, as means to resolve issues arising from compensations

The Minister of Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, SAN, has inspected the ongoing Dualization of the 221 KM Keffi-Akwanga-Lafia-Makurdi Road, the National Housing Programme and Federal Secretariat projects in Nasarawa State, declaring that the strategy of the Muhammadu Buhari-led administration on infrastructure as a driver of economic growth is working.

Fashola, who also noted that the role of a progressive government is to improve the human condition, advocated collaboration rather than agitation as a means of solving issues like compensation because collaboration would enable government to engage the owners of land and properties along the corridors of ongoing road projects while construction and rehabilitation works continue on such projects.

Responding to a question on Federal Governmentā€™s borrowings while interacting with newsmen after inspecting the Road, the Minister,Ā Ā explained that the road is being funded from a China EXIM Bank loan, pointing out that although the decision to borrow from the Chinese bank was initiated by the immediate past administration, the process was completed by the current administration because ā€œIt is money borrowed for investment to improve peoplesā€™ livesā€.

ā€œI have always told you that my own view of our role as a progressive government is to improve the human conditionā€, he told the newsmen adding that all the activities along the project corridors, including business and other economic activities, were for improving the human condition.

Listing some of the benefits that would accrue from the project after completion to improve human condition, Fashola said some of them would be the reduction in journey time and cost of travel as well as safety of lives pointing out that an attempt was currently being made to reshape the sharpness of a dangerous curve and reduce the steep slope on the road around Nasarawa-Eggon as a way of reducing accidents in the area.

The Minister said aside the direct jobs generated by the project by way of employment, there are quarrying plants that have come on board as a result of the project and are employing over 100 people while an asphalt plant that has also come into existence is also employing dozens of people.

ā€œThese have brought a lot of economic activities around here and along the stretch of this corridor we are employing thousands of peopleā€, he said.

The Minister appealed to the communities to remain peaceful and collaborate with government, especially on the issue of compensation, adding that agitation would only delay the completion of the work.

Noting that the 221 kilometre road runs from the Federal Capital Territory through Nasarawa all the way to Makurdi in Benue State, the Minister explained further, ā€œThe Dualization is being undertaken to include a 10-lane expansion of over five kilometres where Abuja joins Nasarawa around Mararaba areaā€.

Responding to a question on the perceived delay in the project execution, the Minister, who said the contractors are working in Sections, explained further, ā€œThere are places where we still need to relocate, to resettle people, we still need to deal with the issues of compensationā€, adding that the government was currently working with the governments of Benue and Nasarawa States to ensure that those who would get compensated are the real beneficiaries and not middlemen.

Fashola, who also noted that the road is being expanded, explained, ā€œAs you know, we are dualizing, so where one bridge existed before, we now have to build another bridgeā€, adding that at the end of the Rainy Season the contractors would come back and do the earthwork.

On the Lafia-Shendam Road, Fashola, who noted that the road needed attention even before the Buhari administration came to power, said some rehabilitation work would be done on the road in response to the State governorā€™s appeal.

ā€œBut we cannot do everything at once. If you understand, we have talked about the Loko-Oweto Bridge, we have talked about the Shendam Bridge and there are so many other repair works we are doing. So as these things come, we take them one at a timeā€, he said.

At the National Housing Programme in Lafia, Fashola, who was joined by the State Governor, Engr. Abdullahi Sule, explained that the programme was being undertaken in Phases in 34 states of the country. He added, ā€œWe are now in some states at Phase 3; in many other states we are in Phase 2, and that is why you see some completed and some uncompleted houses hereā€.

According to the Minister, the programme ā€œis driving other unseen businesses in the SMES those who make and supply all the materials, nails, binding wires, wire boards and lubricants and there are people who provide nourishment at the sitesā€, he said.

ā€œIt is a big value chain of opportunities, so if you see the economy heading towards growth, it shows clearly that the Presidentā€™s strategy on infrastructure as a driver of growth is working. What is needed now is just to deepen that which we already have. So if somebody comes to tell you that infrastructure does not drive growth tell him that he is talking of home economics, he does not know public financingā€, the Minister said.

Fashola, who also visited the Federal Secretariat Complex under construction in Lafia told newsmen that after the creation of the State some 25 years ago there was need to properly accommodate Federal Government workers serving in the State pointing out that the burden of accommodating the workers had put pressure on the facilities belonging to the State.

ā€œWhen we talk of workersā€™ welfare, it is not just their salaries and emoluments; it also includes their work environment. This is the place where workers spend the longest part of their days, in fact the longest part of their life and it is very important to make that environment conduciveā€, Fashola said.

He added that the President has also committed to completing the secretariat projects currently being undertaking across the country ā€œto demonstrate the Federal Governmentā€™s commitment to workersā€™ welfare and that will translate to enhanced productivityā€.

Also speaking at the Secretariat Complex site the State Governor, Engr. Sule expressed deep appreciation to President Muhammadu Buhari and the Minister for the number of infrastructure projects going on in the State including the new Secretariat.

Earlier during the courtesy visit to his office, the Governor, who commended Fasholaā€™s inspiring achievements as Governor of Lagos State and now as Minister, declared, ā€œI have nothing else to say than to thank you, thank Mr. President for all the support Nasarawa State has continued to receive. You have mentioned clearly the Nasarawa-Loko-Oweto Bridge that you have completed and even the over N30 Billion that you have just recently approved at FEC in order for us to get that project completed for the 74 kilometre Road.ā€

Fashola was accompanied on the one day working tour by top Ministry officials including Directors, the Controllers of Works and Housing in the State as well as Special Advisers.









The recent trend of unconstitutional takeover of power, sometimes in reaction to unilateral changes of constitutions by some leaders, must not be tolerated by the international community, President Muhammadu Buhari told world leaders Friday in New York.

In his speech at the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly, the President warned that democratic gains of the past decades in West Africa ā€˜ā€˜are now being erodedā€™ā€™ due to these negative trends.

He affirmed Nigeriaā€™s support to efforts by ECOWAS, AU and the UN to address this growing challenge, saying:

ā€˜ā€˜As leaders of our individual Member-States we need to adhere to the constitutional provisions of our countries, particularly on term limits. This is one area that generates crisis and political tension in our sub-region.ā€™ā€™

The President urged the international community not only to deal with the symptoms of conflict but also the immediate causes that fuel conflicts in the first place.

ā€˜ā€˜These include poor and undemocratic governance, human rights abuses, poverty, ignorance, injustice and inequalities.

ā€˜ā€˜There are no easy solutions to these conditions. They require long term investments and more effective international cooperation. In this connection, my delegation underscores the importance of promoting peaceful, unfettered, and inclusive participation of states in global actions towards conflict prevention.

ā€˜ā€˜This will facilitate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063.ā€

The Presidentā€™s speech, delivered from the podium of the General Assembly hall, addressed other matters on the international agenda of interest to Nigeria, including the COVID-19 pandemic, Arms Trade Treaty, climate change, terrorism, anti-corruption, debt suspension, international trade, UN Security Council Reform, Palestinian Question, racial discrimination, among others.

On the issue of debt in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nigerian leader urged G20 countries to extend its debt suspension initiatives to all developing countries, Least Developed Countries, Small Island Developing States facing fiscal and liquidity challenges.

The President also called for outright debt cancellation for countries facing the most severe challenges:

ā€˜ā€˜Developing countries have been faced with unsustainable debt burdens even before the pandemic

ā€˜ā€˜The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of new wave of deepening debt, where vital public financial resources are allocated to external debt servicing and repayments at the expense of domestic health and financing for critical developmental needs.

ā€˜ā€˜I must commend the current initiatives by the international financial institutions and the G20 aimed at significantly mitigating the economic situation of the indebted countries and urge for more efforts in this regard.

ā€˜ā€˜Therefore, there is an urgent need to consider expansion and extension of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative to include all Developing, Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States facing fiscal and liquidity challenges.

ā€˜ā€˜In addition, a review of the eligibility criteria for debt suspension, including outright cancellation, is needed for countries facing the most severe challenges.ā€™ā€™

The President also used the occasion of the speech to renew his advocacy for equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, outlining steps Nigeria has taken to achieve ā€˜ā€˜moderate successā€™ā€™ in containing the virus and halt its deadly onslaught in the country.

ā€˜ā€˜Nigeria remains grateful for the assistance received from our partners and friends all over the world.

ā€˜ā€˜Vaccination is the key to our safe emergence from the pandemic.

ā€˜ā€˜We fully support the COVAX initiative from which we have benefitted. We also thank the United States of America, Turkey, India, China, European Union, and others for the vaccines provided.

ā€˜ā€˜Despite the acknowledgement however, I would like to reiterate my call for a fairer and more equitable distribution of vaccines to all countries so that, together, we can fight and contain the pandemic.

ā€˜ā€˜The rising wave of newer and more contagious strains, makes this even more urgent. No country can afford the socio-economic implications of prolonged shutdown. It is imperative to underscore that no one is safe until everyone is safe,ā€™ā€™ he said.

On Nigeriaā€™s intervention to halt the pandemic, the President said:

ā€˜ā€˜At the outset, we recognised detection and contact tracing to be important tools in combating the virus.

ā€˜ā€˜In this connection, from a mere four laboratories with testing and detection capacities, we ramped up the facilities to over 140 centres today.

ā€˜ā€˜Similarly, we built isolation centres and emergency hospital wards in record time all over the country. We carry out genomic sequencing in designated laboratories across the country with a view to detecting variants in circulation.

ā€˜ā€˜In addition, over 40,000 health care workers have recently been trained on Infection, Prevention and Control measures with the support of various partners.

ā€˜ā€˜Through the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, we have established 16 infectious disease treatment centres located within our Teaching Hospitals and Federal Medical Centres,ā€™ā€™ he said.

On the fight against terrorism, the President told the UN General Assembly that the Nigerian Security Forces have recorded considerable success.

ā€˜ā€˜As a result of the renewed vigour of Nigeriaā€™s military, many terrorist fighters are voluntarily surrendering to our security forces,ā€™ā€™ he said.

The President noted that while terrorism continues to dominate security discourse worldwide, in Nigeria, Boko Haram terrorists group, though fragmented by internal strife and weakened by our defence forces, is still active and preying on soft targets.

ā€˜ā€˜Nigeria will continue to work closely with UN Counter-Terrorism bodies and entities with a view to bringing this scourge to an end, ā€™ā€™ he said, adding that the country would spare no effort in addressing the challenges of terrorism posed by the activities of Boko Haram in North-East Nigeria and the Lake Chad region, as well as banditry in the North-West and North-Central Nigeria.

ā€˜ā€˜I and three other Nigerian Heads of State served actively as peace keepers and Nigeria continues to support peacekeeping efforts. We know the sacrifice involved; we also know how important peacekeeping is for those in vulnerable situations.

ā€˜ā€˜Nigeria will continue to play its part fully in supporting United Nations peacekeeping operations within Africa and beyond,ā€™ā€™ he said.

On international trade, President Buhari called for reforms that will engender recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, build resilience to future shocks and pursue transformative development strategies that can deliver the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals .

ā€˜ā€˜Nigeria reaffirms that international trade is an engine for development and sustained economic growth, as well as the global eradication of poverty.

ā€˜ā€˜My delegation would like to reaffirm the critical role that a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system can play in stimulating economic growth and development.

ā€˜ā€˜Fair and equitable trade would eventually eliminate the need for aid.

ā€˜ā€˜My country and indeed all African countries do not intend to stay indefinitely looking for aid. All we need is a fair and equitable system of international trade,ā€™ā€™ he said.

The Nigerian leader also renewed the call for the reforms of the UN Security Council, stressing that intergovernmental negotiations on the issue was taking too long.

ā€˜ā€˜No reform of the United Nations system is more urgent than that of the Security Council. Stakeholders around the world are asking how such power could be concentrated, with scant representation.

ā€˜ā€˜The intergovernmental negotiations have taken too long, some 15 years.

ā€˜ā€˜We must avoid going in circles. Consensus has been achieved in some of the elements of this reform, especially that of the representation of Africa on the basis of the Elzuwini consensus and the Sirte Declaration.

ā€˜ā€˜It is unreasonable to expect unanimity in this matter. The issue, indeed, is about justice, not unanimity. Without justice, the legitimacy (even efficacy) of our Organization is called to question.

ā€˜ā€˜We can and must make substantial, irreversible progress on Security Council reform in the current session,ā€™ā€™ he said.

On the Palestinian question, the President encouraged Israel and Palestine to re-engage in dialogue based on relevant UN resolutions and Initiatives.

ā€˜ā€˜The two-state solution has the support of the international community and is widely acknowledged as the path to lasting peace,ā€™ā€™ he said.

President Buhari expressed deep concerns at the devastating effects of small arms and weapons, calling for accountability in conventional arms trade.

ā€œNigeria remains deeply concerned over the illicit trade, transfer, and circulation of small arms and light weapons. Their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many regions of the world are having devastating humanitarian and socio-economic consequences, especially on the continent of Africa.

ā€œIt is on this note that my delegation calls for the world wide application of the Arms Trade Treaty to codify accountability in conventional arms trade, which is critical to the security of nations. This is in recognition of the need for a broad-based global partnership in the on-going battle against trans-border crimes, including terrorism and piracy.ā€

President Buhari concluded his UN speech at the 76th annual general debate with praise for the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

He also pledged Nigeriaā€™s unalloyed support for multilateralism and faith in the UN as the pre-eminent body for solving current and emerging global challenges.

ā€˜ā€˜Our organization is at the peak of the multilateral system.

ā€˜ā€˜It is also the pre-eminent body for solving our current and emerging challenges, and for developing norms that are protective of us all. We need to re-commit to it, rejuvenate it to better serve us.

ā€˜ā€˜Nigeria re-affirms its faith in the United Nations and is further resolved to continue to work with all Member-States for peace and security, development and the protection of human rights.

ā€˜ā€˜In the current moment, hope for these, is dependent on how we assist each other to get Covid-19 out of all countries, regardless of their classification. We can and must do so.

ā€˜ā€˜In this regard, let me close my statement by paying special tribute to a great and humane internationalist, and an exemplary practitioner of multilateral cooperation. I am speaking of Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany. As she exits the stage, we wish her well,ā€™ā€™ he said.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

September 24, 2021




Mr. President,

Let me, on behalf of the government and people of Nigeria, congratulate you on your well-deserved election as President of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. I would like to assure you of the full support and cooperation of the Nigerian delegation throughout your tenure.

  1. I would like to commend your predecessor, His Excellency, Mr. Volkan Boskir, for the many remarkable achievements recorded during his tenure, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Permit me to congratulate the Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, on his re-election and commend his strong commitment to making the UN more alive to its responsibilities.
  3. I also want to express my gratitude to him for re-appointing Ms. Amina Mohammed, as the Deputy Secretary General to assist him in discharging his heavy responsibilities.

Mr. President,

  1. The theme of this yearā€™s General Assembly ā€“ ā€œBuilding resilience through hope – to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of the people, and revitalise the United Nations, sums up our common desire to rescue our planet, recover our economies, and restore hope to all the peoples of the world.
  2. In this regard, my delegation will continue to support the United Nations, as the indispensable forum for international cooperation and the cornerstone of the multilateral system, rooted in respect for international law, including international human rights law and predicated on a rules-based order.

Mr. President,

  1. I want to thank the international community for the concerted response to COVID-19. The solidarity and drive to contain the first truly global health emergency of our time is a pointer to the many things we can achieve if we work together.
  2. On our part, Nigeria has made strenuous efforts to contain the virus and halt its deadly onslaught on our people. Our efforts have been rewarded with moderate success.
  3. At the outset, we recognised detection and contact tracing to be important tools in combating the virus. In this connection, from a mere four laboratories with testing and detection capacities, we ramped up the facilities to over 140 centres today.
  4. Similarly, we built isolation centres and emergency hospitals wards in record time all over the country. We carry out genomic sequencing in designated laboratories across the country with a view to detecting variants in circulation.
  5. In addition, over 40,000 health care workers have recently been trained on Infection, Prevention and Control measures with the support of various partners. Through the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, we have established 16 infectious disease treatment centres located within our Teaching Hospitals and Federal Medical Centres.
  6. Nigeria remains grateful for the assistance received from our partners and friends all over the world. Vaccination is the key to our safe emergence from the pandemic. We fully support the COVAX initiative from which we have benefitted. We also thank the United States of America, Turkey, India, China, European Union, and others for the vaccines provided.
  7. Despite the acknowledgement however, I would like to reiterate my call for a fairer and more equitable distribution of vaccines to all countries so that, together, we can fight and contain the pandemic. The rising wave of newer and more contagious strains, makes this even more urgent. No country can afford the socio-economic implications of prolonged shutdown. It is imperative to underscore that no one is safe until everyone is safe.

Mr President,

  1. Nigeria remains deeply concerned over the illicit trade, transfer, and circulation of small arms and light weapons. Their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many regions of the world are having devastating humanitarian and socio-economic consequences, especially on the continent of Africa.
  2. It is on this note that my delegation calls for the world wide application of the Arms Trade Treaty to codify accountability in conventional arms trade, which is critical to the security of nations. This is in recognition of the need for a broad-based global partnership in the on-going battle against trans-border crimes, including terrorism and piracy.

Mr. President,

  1. We must deal not only with the symptoms of conflict but also the immediate causes that fuel conflicts in the first place. These include poor and undemocratic governance, human rights abuses, poverty, ignorance, injustice and inequalities.
  2. There are no easy solutions to these conditions. They require long term investments and more effective international cooperation. In this connection, my delegation underscores the importance of promoting peaceful, unfettered, and inclusive participation of states in global actions towards conflict prevention. This will facilitate the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Agenda 2063.

18 In West Africa especially, our democratic gains of the past decades are now being eroded. The recent trend of unconstitutional takeover of power, sometimes in reaction to unilateral changes of constitutions by some leaders, must not be tolerated by the international community. Nigeria fully supports the efforts by ECOWAS to address this growing challenge and appreciates the support of both the African Union and the United Nations. In this regard, I would like to reiterate that as leaders of our individual Member-States we need to adhere to the constitutional provisions of our countries, particularly on term limits. This is one area that generates crisis and political tension in our sub-region.

Mr President,

  1. Nigeria is fully committed to nuclear non-proliferation and has always supported the view that it should involve all States.
  2. Disarmament Conventions deserve the support of all states, small, large, nuclear or non-nuclear. Nuclear weapons remain the ultimate agents of mass destruction, and their total elimination should be the final objective of all disarmament processes within the broad spectrum of goals being pursued by the United Nations.
  3. In this regard, Nigeria would participate actively in the forthcoming Review Conference of the Nuclear Prohibition Treaty and also the First Meeting of States Parties to the landmark Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, scheduled to take place within the first quarter of 2022.
  4. Nigeria regards these upcoming events as important steps towards the realisation of a world free of nuclear weapons. We are, therefore, supportive of any diplomatic efforts in this direction. We hope that the upcoming NPT review conference would lead to a successful outcome that would facilitate the denuclearisation of the world. We would do our part to ensure such an outcome.

Mr. President,

  1. Terrorism continues to dominate security discourse worldwide. In Nigeria, Boko Haram terrorists group, though fragmented by internal strife and weakened by our defence forces, is still active and preying on soft targets. Nigeria will continue to work closely with UN Counter-Terrorism bodies and entities with a view to bringing this scourge to an end.
  2. Nigeria has spared no effort in addressing the challenges of terrorism posed by the activities of Boko Haram in North-East Nigeria and the Lake Chad region, as well as banditry in the North-West and North-Central Nigeria. The Nigerian Security Forces have recorded considerable success in the fight against terrorism. As a result of the renewed vigour of our military, many terrorist fighters are voluntarily surrendering to our security forces.
  3. I and three other Nigerian Heads of State served actively as peace keepers and Nigeria continues to support peacekeeping efforts. We know the sacrifice involved, we also know how important peace keeping is for those in vulnerable situations. Nigeria will continue to play its part fully in supporting United Nations peacekeeping operations within Africa and beyond.

Mr. President,

  1. The impact of climate change is already with us in Nigeria, manifesting in various ways: conflicts trigger; food insecurity, drying up of lakes; loss of livelihood, and youth migration, among others. The trend is the same in many other countries that are threatened by forest fires, rising sea levels, drought and desertification.
  2. In the circumstances, we intend to build a climate-resilient economy that effectively aligns with the SDGs and that has great potentials to unlocking the full opportunities in different sectors of the economy, while protecting the resources for present and future generations. I know, in several ways, this is also a familiar story in many countries.
  3. As leaders, we must create inclusive and gender-sensitive policies that address all issues connected to climate action, from mitigation to resilience.
  4. Nigeria believes that protecting our planet and its biodiversity and climate are important to our collective survival. That is why, we are working on a transition to low carbon economy, consistent with achieving the Paris Climate Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. President,

  1. Combating illicit financial flows and ensuring the recovery and return of illicitly acquired assets have the potential to provide resources in the immediate term for financing development in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
  2. Similarly, corruption across national borders has huge negative impact on the stability, peace, and economic prospects of millions, particularly in developing countries.
  3. It deprives national Governments of resources needed to provide adequate and meaningful sources of livelihood for their citizens. The latter gives rise to more irregular migration patterns, with unwholesome consequences for inter-state and human relations.
  4. I, therefore, call on all leaders to demonstrate the much-needed political will by supporting the recommendations for systemic reforms made by the FACTI Panel.
  5. We support establishing modalities for a global coordination mechanism at the United Nations Economic and Social Council to systematically monitor illicit financial flows and strengthen financial integrity for sustainable development, with the participation of all relevant stakeholders.

Mr. President,

  1. On the issue of debt, we have seen that developing countries have been faced with unsustainable debt burdens even before the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the risk of new wave of deepening debt, where vital public financial resources are allocated to external debt servicing and repayments at the expense of domestic health and financing for critical developmental needs.
  2. I must commend the current initiatives by the international financial institutions and the G20 aimed at significantly mitigating the economic situation of the indebted countries and urge for more efforts in this regard.
  3. Therefore, there is an urgent need to consider expansion and extension of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative to include all Developing, Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States facing fiscal and liquidity challenges. In addition, a review of the eligibility criteria for debt suspension, including outright cancellation, is needed for countries facing the most severe challenges.

Mr. President,

  1. Nigeria reaffirms that international trade is an engine for development and sustained economic growth, as well as the global eradication of poverty.
  2. My delegation would like to reaffirm the critical role that a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system can play in stimulating economic growth and development.
  3. Fair and equitable trade would eventually eliminate the need for aid. My country and indeed all African countries do not intend to stay indefinitely looking for aid. All we need is a fair and equitable system of international trade.
  4. We, therefore, call for a reform agenda that will engender better recovery from this crisis, build resilience to future shocks and pursue transformative development strategies that can deliver the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. President,

  1. The global food system has, in recent times, been impacted by several factors such as population growth, availability and accessibility of arable land and water resources, climate change, and loss of biodiversity.
  2. Increased competition for resources such as land, water, and energy, has affected food access and supply, particularly in developing countries. Climate change and unpredictable shocks, such as the current global pandemic, further exacerbate vulnerabilities in the global food system, requiring the UNā€™s urgent attention.
  3. The Government of Nigeria remains determined to improve the productivity and incomes of small-scale farmers by promoting equal access to land, technology and markets, sustainable food production systems and resilient agricultural practices.
  4. At the heart of Nigeriaā€™s post-COVID-19 response is the Economic Sustainability Plan, which has a major component, called the Agriculture for Food and Jobs Programme where we seek to leverage suitable technologies to build a resilient food system for the country.
  5. An integral part of our food systemsā€™ transformation strategy is to create an enabling and supportive environment to implement these policies in a participatory manner.
  6. Global efforts to mitigate and sustain food systems must involve key stakeholders, including Governments, farmers, investors, multilateral organizations, regional bodies, international financial institutions, private partners and civil society organizations.

Mr. President,

  1. Nigeria has been steadfast in safeguarding human rights, including the advancement of women, the protection of children, the protection of the rights of people living with disabilities, the treatment of migrants, refugees, returnees and displaced persons as well as, the promotion of fundamental freedoms through all legitimate means. In this regard, my delegation commends the positive example of leaders like Prime Minister Jacinda Arden of New Zealand.
  2. In this context Nigeria calls for collective global action through a Treaty to end all forms of violence against women and girls of all ages.
  3. Nigeria remains unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the advancement of human rights within its shores and beyond. This is so even in the context of a vicious decade-long onslaught by terrorists against Nigerians, quite contrary to unwholesome reports by some who hardly verify what they state against us.
  4. The recent rise in hate related crimes globally underscores the urgent need to continue our engagement about racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other related intolerance. It is sad to note that the issue of racism remains alive globally.
  5. We are beginning to forget our affirmation of the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of every individual as enshrined in the UN Charter. No society can claim to be free or just if it deprives anyone of these rights.
  6. Nigeria has long been a principled fighter against racism and all forms of discrimination inspired by its African experience. In the past, racism oiled the machine of slavery and colonialism. Today, racism drives hate crimes and institutional discrimination. In all this, Africans and people of African descent are among the major victims.
  7. Cognizant of these, I commend Member States for adopting by consensus the resolution on the Establishment of the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent on 2nd August 2021. I am confident that this forum will make significant impact in the quest to end race-related vices and injustices.

Mr. President,

  1. No reform of the United Nations system is more urgent than that of the Security Council. Stakeholders around the world are asking how such power could be concentrated, with scant representation. The intergovernmental negotiations have taken too long, some 15 years. We must avoid going in cycles. Consensus has been achieved in some of the elements of this reform, especially that of the representation of Africa on the basis of the Elzuwini consensus and the Sirte Declaration. It is unreasonable to expect unanimity in this matter. The issue, indeed, is about justice, not unanimity. Without justice, the legitimacy (even efficacy) of our Organization is called to question. We can and must make substantial, irreversible progress on Security Council reform in the current session.

Mr. President,

  1. Connected to this, is the question of justice, fairness, and equity in respect of the Palestinian people. The situation in the Middle East is long-standing and gives cause for concern. Nigeria encourages Israel and Palestine to re-engage in dialogue based on relevant UN resolutions and Initiatives. The two-state solution has the support of the international community and is widely acknowledged as the path to lasting peace.

Mr President,

  1. Our organization is at the peak of the multilateral system. It is also the pre-eminent body for solving our current and emerging challenges, and for developing norms that are protective of us all. We need to re-commit to it, rejuvenate it to better serve us. Nigeria re-affirms its faith in the United Nations and is further resolved to continue to work with all Member-States for peace and security, development and the protection of human rights. In the current moment, hope for these, is dependent on how we assist each other to get COVID-19 out of all countries, regardless of their classification. We can and must do so.
  2. In this regard, let me close my statement by paying special tribute to a great and humane internationalist, and an exemplary practitioner of multilateral cooperation. I am speaking of Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Federal Republic of Germany. As she exits the stage, we wish her well.

I thank you.





Fidelity Bank to Develop SMEs Capacity in Non-oil Exports Sector Ā 


In furtherance of its resolveĀ to help Nigerian businesses build sustainable export capabilities, leadingĀ Nigerian lender, Fidelity Bank Plc, is set to host the 11thĀ and 12thĀ editions of its highly acclaimed Export Management Programme (EMP).


Launched in 2016, the EMP is targeted at preparing participants for real-time experiences in the international non-oil export markets and the broader export market at large. The session typically covers a wide range of topics including Export documentation, Selection and Implementation of Supply Chain Management for Exports, Application of Export Development Business Processes amongst others.


Speaking on the programme, the Managing Director, Fidelity Bank Plc, Mrs. Nneka Onyeali-Ikpe noted that, ā€œAs a leading supporter of small businesses, we introduced the EMP five years ago to bridge the knowledge gap in the export business locally and to help participants to compete effectively in the global export market. Given the success we have recorded in the course of the programme and following the yearnings of potential participants, we decided to host an edition of the training in Kano for those who are unable to attend the session in Lagos.ā€


While EMP 11 is scheduled to hold at the Lagos Business School (LBS), Lekki, Lagos between 4 and 8 October 2021; EMP 12 would hold at a soon-to-be announced venue in Kano State from 11 to 15 October 2021. The sessions would be facilitated by leading faculty from LBS, Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) staff as well as experts in financial management and exports.


Fidelity Bank has over the years demonstrated its resolve to grow the non-oil export side of the economy through strategic initiatives and partnerships. For instance, the bank provided over N32.7 billion in credits to businesses operating in strategic sectors including rice, dairy, poultry, oil palm and cocoa in 2019. The bank has also successfully leveraged strategic partnerships with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) under various industry targeted intervention funding programmes to enhance access to credit for eligible players in the agribusiness and non-oil exports space with the aim of addressing food security gaps and enhancing foreign exchange earnings.


ā€œThe benefits of supporting the non-oil sector of the economy cannot be overemphasized given the immense benefits that it provides to the economy and the nation in terms of providing much needed foreign exchange investments, increasing our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment generation. This informs our decision to host the EMP regularly and we enjoin interested entrepreneurs to take advantage of this initiative to take their business to the next level,ā€ Onyeali-Ikpe explained.





President Muhammadu Buhari Thursday in New York reaffirmed the commitment of the Federal Government to attaining national food security.

The President told the Food Systems Summit as part of the High Level meetings of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, that Nigeria had developed a ā€œfood system focused development agenda that prioritizes healthy diets and affordable nutrition, inclusive, efficient, resilient, and sustainable, which will contribute to rebuilding our economy, creating jobs and spurring growth across sectors while sustaining our ecosystems.ā€

The Nigerian leader said the plan was the outcome of a wide range stakeholder-engagement geared towards a better understanding of their food systems, experiences and needs.

According to President Buhari, ā€œfollowing the recommendations from the dialogues and our plan to lift 100 million Nigerians out of poverty within a decade, Nigeria is committed to: investing in food security and nutrition knowledge dissemination, skillsā€™ development, and information management systems to enhance agricultural productivity; building sustainable, responsive, and inclusive food systems; enhancing the productivity of smallholder farmers and empowering women and youths for greater access to food production; while strengthening climate mitigation strategies and conflict early warning systems that will reduce the many stresses and shocks to our food systems.ā€

The President commended the initiative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for convening the Summit, calling it ā€œa bold step towards achieving the 2030 global development Agenda at a time COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant consequences are threatening progress.ā€

He stressed that as Nigeria works ā€œto transform our food systems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, we hope to learn from, and collaborate with Member States that have grappled or are grappling with food systems concerns similar to ours.”

“We especially support the emerging coalitions of actions and sustainable food systems,ā€ he added.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

September 23, 2021


September 23, 2021

Press Conference

PDP Demands Resignation, Investigation of Emefiele, Over Fraud Allegation by APC

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) demands the immediate resignation and prosecution of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Godwin Emefiele, going by allegations by the All Progressives Congress (APC) that he superintended over massive looting of funds in the CBN.

Our party calls on the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to immediately invite Emefiele for questioning over allegations by the National Secretary of the illegal APC National Caretaker Committee, Senator John Akpan Udoedehe, that the CBN governor supervised over the pillaging of the nationā€™s vaults under his watch.

Nigerians were shocked when Senator Akpan Udoedehe, on Channels TV programme ā€œPolitics Todayā€ of Wednesday, September 15, 2021, revealed that the CBN governor supervised over the stealing of money in the apex bank, a development for which he must be investigated by the EFCC and if found wanting, prosecuted.

We have waited for a week for Senator Akpan Udoedehe to recant on his statement or for Emefiele to repudiate the APC National Secretary.

Our party insists that beyond Akpan Udoedeheā€™s allegation, the tenure of Emefiele as CBN governor under the APC administration has witnessed colossal failures of monetary and fiscal policies, requiring him to vacate the office and hand himself over for investigation.

It is instructive to note that when Emefiele took office as CBN Governor in 2014 the naira exchanged for N164 to a dollar. Today, in the hands of Emefiele and the APC, the naira has tumbled to near N600 to a dollar, putting the nationā€™s economy on its knees.

Painfully, under the leadership of Emefiele, the CBN has failed in its core mandate of managing the economy and took a dive into propaganda, with claims that do not reflect the harsh economic reality on the ground.

The PDP therefore urges the EFCC not to allow this revelation to be swept under the carpet as it borders on serious economic sabotage which sanctions are clearly spelt out under our laws.


Kola Ologbondiyan

National Publicity Secretary




Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike says Nigeria must encourage federating States to harness their resources and generate revenues, including Value Added Tax, VAT to advance their development.

He has also stressed that it is baffling to note that Rivers State is not included among states to benefit from any of the projects to be executed with the fresh loan that the Federal Government is seeking to obtain from the World Bank.

Governor Wike made the observation when the Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of the SUN (Newspaper) Publishing Limited, Mr. Onuoha Ukeh led a delegation to present a letter of nomination to him as the SUN Man of the Year 2020 Award at Government House, Port Harcourt on Monday.

The Rivers state governor observed that there are mounted attempts to frustrate federating States like Rivers, to actualise the constitutional provisions that empower them to harness their resources and revenues, particularly VAT.

The governor decried the situation where the legality of states collecting the VAT is not considered on the merit of the law by some public commentators including State executives, rather, they are politicising it and looking at it from prism of ethnicity and religion.

According to Governor Wike, what the FIRS was doing was illegal and could be likened to robbing from the states.

ā€œYou donā€™t even need to be a lawyer to know that VAT is not in item 58 and 59 of the second schedule of the 1999 Constitution as amended. Everybody knows that. It is not even in the concurrent list. Therefore, it falls under the residual list. It is not arguable. That yesterday nothing happens does not mean that today nothing will happen, or tomorrow something will not happen.

ā€œNigeria should encourage states to be strong enough to have resources to develop their states. we are in a federal system where we are practicing unitary system. Everybody at the end of the month will run to Abuja to share money. Nobody comes back to the state to think, how do I develop my state.ā€

He explained that the contest against the collection of the Valued Added Tax (VAT) was started by Lagos State which had sued the Federal Government at the Supreme Court. According to him, Rivers State only avoided their pitfall by suing the Federal Inland Revenue Service, FIRS, which is an agency of the Federal Government, that was illegally collecting the tax in the State.

“The issue of VAT did not start from Rivers State alone. It started in Lagos State when Lagos State challenged it in Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court said you (Lagos) shouldnā€™t have sued the Federal Government. All you would have done was to sue the agency. ”

The governor observed that rather than commend Rivers State government for seeking to entrench fiscal federalism and constitutionalism, a particular State governor had threatened that the judgement of the court that declared that States and not FIRS are entitled to collect VAT within their jurisdiction, will not stand.

He urged those demanding for a brothers’ keeper consideration to first appreciate the position of the law and situate it rightly.

“Some people say, be your brother’s keeper. I have no problem in being my brother’s keeper but why not come out and say, let us tell ourselves the simple truth. As it is being provided in the law, who is the person responsible to collect the VAT.

“When you agree to that, that it is the state, then we can sit down to look at the different problems of states. And not to say be your brother’s keeper while you’re doing an illegal thing, in disobeying what the law says you should not do.”

Governor Wike stated that it is sheer act of discrimination for the Federal Government not to include Rivers State as one of the States that will benefit from projects for which it is seeking fresh foreign loans to execute.

“Look at the money that Federal Government has gone to borrow from the World Bank. Of all the projects, in all the states, Federal Government did not include Rivers State.

“Look at the list of projects that states will benefit from this money they’re borrowing from the World Bank, that they have sent to National Assembly for approval, the only states that is not benefitting is Rivers State.

He further continued: “It is the prerogative of Mr. President ; if he says he does not like Rivers State, if the ruling party says they don’t like Rivers State, I won’t kill myself. But leave the one that the law says I should be the one to collect so that I will be able to develop my own state.”

Speaking further, Governor Wike explained that beyond the provision of infrastructure, his administration is seeking a law that will provide comfortable accommodation for judicial officers on retirement.

The reason, he said, is to ensure that, while in service, the judicial officers can concentrate on their jobs without cutting corners and avoid corrupt practices.

Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief of the SUN (Newspaper) Publishing Limited, Mr. Onuoha Ukeh said the SUN Man of the Year 2020 Award is the flagship of award the company.

According to him, Governor Wike was unanimously selected for his remarkable contributions to the socioeconomic development of Nigeria and promotion of fiscal federalism with his position on VAT, which will help in the restructuring of Nigeria.

ā€œ Today, His Excellency has guided Nigeria to true federalism with the issue on VAT. Knowing what fiscal federalism should be His Excellency went to court to challenge the collection of VAT and the Court stated that actually the States should collect VAT. And that is laying the foundation for true federalism and fiscal federalism.ā€

Ukeh commended Governor Wike for the sterling performance in office and infrastructural revolution taking place in Rivers State.

Kelvin Ebiri

Special Assistant (Media) Rivers State Governor

September 20, 2021






Not a small ruckus has been caused by the defection of former Minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode (FFK), from the Peopleā€™s Democratic Party (PDP) to the All Progressives Congress (APC) last week.

An icing on the cake, or the salt added to injury (depending on which side you are), was his reception at the Presidential Villa by Muhammadu Buhari, father of the nation. The development has been rocking the polity for many days.

FFK is by no means a miscellaneous personality, and whatever he does, or does not do, attracts loads of attention.

He was a founding member of the APC, before he ported back to the PDP. And he did not leave quietly. He ruffled feathers and stirred up the mud. He became a rabid hater of his former party and its members.

Between last week and now, vitriol poured by FFK on anybody with the slightest affinity to APC has been dug up serially. He has said things straight from the gutters, things that the natural man would call unforgivable and unpardonable. Against President Buhari, the first family, Yusuf Buhari whom he wished had died when the latter had an almost fatal bike accident, APC as a party, the government, leaders of the party, groups and individuals. Even this writer has suffered horrid descriptions from FFK in many write-ups.

Yes, he even said he would rather die than return to APC, but last week, he returnedā€”well and alive.

Naturally, a lot of loyal APC members are hopping mad that FFK was readmitted into the party. And not only that, he got back at the highest level. Not at his ward in Ile-Ife, Osun State, but the triumphal entry was at the Presidential Villa, with President Buhari himself as the host.

I understand the umbrage taken against the development by teeming APC supporters. Itā€™s the natural thing to do. But then, having vented spleen, raised dust and almost brought down the roof, the next thing is to isolate the issues dispassionately. With the bile displayed towards President Buhari and his family over the years, how did the man find the grace to have received FFK? How was he convinced? Who did the convincing? What were the extenuating factors? How? When? Why?

By agreeing to the readmission of FFK to APC as the leader of the party, and hosting him at the Villa, President Buhari displayed amazing capacity to forgive, to show mercy, and let bygones be bygones. How many of us can do that? Not many.

Remember William Shakespeare in Merchant of Venice:

ā€œThe quality of mercy is not strained.

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

It blessed him that gives and him that takes…

It is an attribute of God Himself.ā€

That was what Buhari did to FFK. He showed him mercy, dropping like gentle rain from heaven, when he could have otherwise spat into the sky, collecting the spittle with his own face. Was that not what me and you would have done? Confess. We would have told FFK to go to hell, and stay there. But Buhari didnā€™t. He displayed an attribute of God: forgiveness.

One of the lies that had been serially told against the President was his alleged unforgiving spirit, a falsehood sold to Nigerians by anti-Buhari forces since the days of military rule. The lie traveled for so long, till it was eventually overtaken by the truth in one day. Nigerians saw through the facade, and elected Buhari as President in 2015. Re-elected him with wider margin in 2019.

I have worked with the President for over six years. And I have seen amazing things in terms of accommodation and capacity to forgive. I have visited him at home many times in the evenings, only to find at dinner table with him people who had been abusing his forefathers on television earlier in the day. This President has a capacity to forgive, and forget. And make peace. That was what he displayed in the case of FFK. Nothing short of divine attribute, which me and you should covet and seek to approximate.

True, the brother of the prodigal son in the Good Book was unhappy, after his sibling had engaged in riotous living, squandered his inheritance, and came back home in penury. And the father received him with glee, and slaughtered the fatted calf in celebration.

The brother was indignant. He accused the father of bad faith, saying he had remained faithful and loyal, and not once did the father give him a goat to kill, and make merry with his friends.

That is the case of the APC members who have been unhappy at the reception given FFK. He did not deserve it, they claim. True. But how many things donā€™t we deserve, but which eventually come our way? That is the inscrutable nature of God, and we should not begrudge ourselves, or anybody else. How many things have come your way, which you really donā€™t deserve? But God gave those things to you, nevertheless. Same with FFK.

I think those screaming blue murder and lamenting the injustice and unfairness of it all should hold their peace. They have made their points, and should let things be. Enough! FFK is back, let sleeping dogs lie. He may stay this time round, as he claims to have had a Damascus road experience, which turned Saul to Paul.

Many times, FFK has used unprintable words against me. He has deployed phrases from the nether region against me. But after writing those things, and we met in public places, he would embrace me, calling me his ā€œfriend and brother.ā€ I agree, we are brothers, though I should hold giant sized grudges against him. President Buhari has shown us the way . To err is human, to forgive, divine.

And come to think of it. Is it pleasant to swallow oneā€™s vomit? Nah. But that was what FFK did. All those foul words against the President, the APC, the government, many people in government. He has swallowed them. Delicious? By no means. Pueh! You would feel like retching. So, letā€™s salute the courage of his conviction. It is rare, and not many people would do it.

I welcome FFK back to APC. And I pray it is for an enduring time. I thank President Buhari for showing an astounding large heart. Thatā€™s how to be a father. He has confounded all those who peddle lies about him, and the balderdash about not forgiving.

The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. It has dropped upon FFK. May it always drop on us, for ā€œit blesses him that gives, and him that takes.ā€ Amen, somebody!.

*Adesina is Special Adviser to President Buhari on Media and Publicit



  • As German Company Set To Resuscitate Glass Production In Ondo After Building Oluwa Glass 35 Years Ago

Ondo State Governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, has decried importation of glass into the country despite the huge availability of the needed raw materials for its production in the Sunshine state.

The Governor recalled that when the Moribund Oluwa Glass was functional, it was supplying the then Peugeot glasses for windscreen and mirror as part of the production of the vehicles.

Governor Akeredolu spoke in his office on Thursday while receiving investors from the Horn Glass Industries from Germany led by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Stephan Meindl.

The CEO/Chairman, ZMP Industries Limited, Mr Rotimi Ogunsanmi, was also on the investors entourage.

The Ondo State Government had signed a Public Private Partnership agreement with the ZMP Industrial Limited for the establishment of 600 Tonnes per day capacity float glass factory in Igbokoda, Ilaje Local Government Area of the state.

The technical partner for the project, Horn Glass Industries, built Oluwa Glass over 35 years ago.

Receiving the investors in his office, Governor Akeredolu said there is no better company to establish glass factory in the state than the Horn Glass Industries having been involved with the establishment of the Oluwa Glass over three decades ago.

He said: “You are involved with Oluwa Glass and you are the one that built it. I donā€™t think there is a better company to start a new state-of-the-art Glass Company than you.

ā€œImportation of glass into this country is unfortunate. Oluwa Glass was the one supplying Peugeot windscreen and glass. But government involvement in Oluwa Glass killed it.

ā€œBut today, we have equity participation. We are not going to stiffen anyone who is interest in developing the state. Our participation will be minimal so as to make it effective.ā€

Governor Akeredolu charged the investors to be time conscious, adding that time is of the essence.

ā€œTime is of essence. We are running against time. Please start now. Undoubtedly, we are waiting. The state will be glad to have a glass factory back after 35years,ā€ he noted.

Horn Glass Industries Chief Executive Officer, Mr Stephan Meindl, said his firm is ready to establish the glass factory with modern technology and unwavering commitment.

The Secretary, Ondo State Development and Investment Promotion Agency, Emmanuel Omomowo, who explained the process and terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed, said the Sunshine state is endowed with Silica Sands which has a the raw material needed for the glass production.

ā€œWe need to bring in high-net-worth investors to actually collaborate with the state to develop our silica resource and the value of this investment is over 250 Million Euros and when it is converted to Naira, it is over 162 Billion Naira.

ā€œThe State Government in this project is having the stake of over 20% while the investor, ZMP Industrial Ltd. has 80% and ZMP Industrial Ltd. is also working in collaboration with a renowned technical partner called Horn Glass Industries.

ā€œThat the technical partner, Horn Glass Industries was the one that built Oluwa Glass and now they are coming now to build a new green field glass factory and because it is a joint venture and we have an SPV, Special Purpose Vehicle to drive it.

ā€œIt will create a lot of employment, we can talk of investment value that is worth over 160billion that is coming to the State. It will also have other multiplier effects within the State, it is going to enhance our economy, it is going to create job employment, expand our revenue business.

ā€œIt is a great deal that is actually coming to the State. And going through their profiles, they have the technical expertise. That is why we are talking of project reference that Oluwa Glass developed over 30 years ago which is going to be built again with newer technology, with a better approach. So, it is a good deal for the State,ā€ he said.

Richard Olatunde

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Ondo State.

September 23, 2021.



September 21, 2021

Press Statement

Expose Terrorism Sponsors if You are Not Complicit, PDP Challenges APC, Buhari Presidency

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) asserts that the refusal by the Buhari Presidency to expose the names of sponsors of terrorism in Nigeria, vindicates its position that the All Progressives Congress (APC) government has been providing official cover for terrorists and bandits pillaging the nation.

The PDP position is predicated on the declaration of the Buhari Presidency that it was not interested in making public, the names of six Nigerians reportedly sent to the Federal Government by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as sponsors of terrorism in our country.

The PDP holds that the decision of the APC-led government to cover the identity of sponsors of mindless mass killings, maiming, rapping, kidnapping of our compatriots as well as the endless violent marauding of our communities under the APC watch, validates our stand that such individuals have connections with the APC.

This unpatriotic stance by the Buhari Presidency raises serious national anxieties of high-level complicity in the administration and further explains the reported compromising of our security system in the escalated killings and acts of terrorism in our country in the last six years under the APC.

Nigerians can see why the APC-led administration has failed to take decisive steps to tackle terrorism, why it prefers to negotiate with terrorists and even makes case for them, instead apprehending and prosecuting them, as witnessed in the beheading of rice farmers in Borno state

The PDP had always alerted of a connection between the APC and terrorists ravaging various parts of our nation and how the APC, as a party, had always failed to forcefully condemn acts of terrorism in our country.

Nigerians can recall how the APC vehemently defended and still habours the Minister of Communication and Digital Economy, Isa Pantami, a self-confessed terrorism apologist, despite national outcry and demand for his sack.

Also, the APC has failed to account for the bandits, thugs and hoodlums it imported from neighboring countries to unleash violence on Nigerians and muscle the 2019 elections.

If the APC and its administration have nothing to cover, our party challenges them to immediately publish the names of the sponsors of terrorism given to it by the UAE, instead of this vexatious desperation to provide official cover for them.


Kola Ologbondiyan

National Publicity Secretary





President Muhammadu Buhari Wednesday held a bilateral meeting at the margins of the United Nations General Assembly holding in New York, USA, with Her Majesty, Maxima Zorreguieta, Queen of The Netherlands, during which he said Nigeria was well aware of her limitations, and thus prioritized the provision of infrastructure.

ā€œWithout infrastructure, development would be limited, so we put emphasis on building roads, rail, and power. We have a comprehensive plan, and we are doing our best,ā€ the President said.

He added that the country was hampered by resources, despite being oil exporting, and that with more financial wherewithal, infrastructure works would be sped up.

President Buhari assured the Queen, who last visited Nigeria in 2017, that if she came again, she would see a lot of differences.

In the area of agriculture, the President said Nigerian borders were closed with some neighboring countries to encourage farmers, ā€œand eat what we grow. People went back to the land, and this helped us tremendously. We made fertilizers available, resuscitated dams, and it all paid off handsomely. Otherwise, with about 200 million people, we would have been in trouble when COVID-19 struck, and affected the economy.ā€

He said just like Oliver Twist, Nigeria could do with more help in the area of investments, particularly in agriculture.

ā€œWe have the land, we have the people, capital input is what we need,ā€ President Buhari stated, adding that Nigerian farmers were quite receptive to modern ways of doing things, especially in respect of cutting post-harvest waste.

Queen Zorreguieta lauded what she called ā€œthe huge effortā€ made by Nigeria to combat the Coronavirus pandemic, saying; ā€œyou spent a great part of your GDP.ā€

She said she had a huge commitment to Nigeria, ā€œand will want to accompany her to do more. You wonā€™t be alone. We will be there along with other partners.ā€

The Queen said agriculture was music to her ears, being the daughter of a former Minister of Agriculture, and her biggest plea would be for Nigeria to make infrastructure available, so that investors and aid donors can access areas beyond the major cities.

ā€œWe need roads, railways, digital financial inclusion for farmers. Government needs to digitize all payments,ā€ she said.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

September 22, 2021




President Muhammadu Buhari Wednesday in New York declared that Federal Government has initiated some specific actions to tackle and reverse the severe trend of biodiversity loss which affects the whole world.

The President spoke in a video message to the hybrid High-Level event tagged ā€œTransformative Actions for Nature and Peopleā€ on the margins of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 76).

Aside championing regional and inter-regional cooperation towards addressing the scourge, President Buhari outlined other measures to include: ā€œExpansion of protected areas including the establishment of ten (10) new National Parks across the country as well as the creation of Marine Protected Areas pursuant to the 30X30 Agenda of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD); and domestication of relevant International Agreements, Conventions as well as Laws and Policies for the protection and conservation of biodiversity.ā€

The Nigerian leader added that, ā€œleveraging the cooperation and partnerships of the Development Partners as well as International Organisations and Coalitions for concrete action against deforestation and biodiversity loss; and promotion and increased investments in climate-positive and nature-positive economy for sustainable environment and land use practicesā€ were other areas being worked on to confront the challenge.

He expressed gratitude to the President of Costa Rica, His Excellency Carlos Alvarado Quesada whose country currently chairs the High Ambition Coalition for Nature & People (HAC) of which Nigeria is also a member and co-chair for the opportunity to be part of ā€œthis great event.ā€

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

September 22, 2021





President Muhammadu Buhari commiserates with renowned musician, King Sunny Ade over passing of his wife, Risikat Ajoke Adegeye, who was a member of the 6th Lagos State House of Assembly.

The President condoles with the Lagos State Government, House of Assembly members, her friends and political associates, urging trust in God at the very difficult time.

President Buhari prays that the Almighty God will comfort her husband, family and loved ones, while granting her soul eternal rest.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

September 22, 2021



  • Says Erring Herders Will Face Consequences

Chairman of the Southern Governorsā€™ Forum and Ondo State Governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, has declared that the state will make an example of any herders in the state, who dared breach the anti-open grazing law, to show the level of implementation of the law.

Governor Akeredolu, who was fielding questions from newscasters on ARISE TV NEWS @9 on Wednesday, assured that the Southern Governors are implementing the Anti-open grazing law with vigor.

Reacting to the comment made by the Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, who posited that the anti-open grazing law was not implementable and also accused the Southern Governors of ā€œpoliticisingā€ the herders/farmers crisis, Governor Akeredolu said his major interest is protecting the livelihood of his people.

The Governor maintained that the Meyetti-Allah in the sunshine state are already cooperating with the government.

He said the statement made by the Kaduna State Governor was capable of inciting herders who were already cooperating with the government on the alternative means of the animal husbandry.

ā€œWe have had one week workshop for Meyetti- Allah and others. Ranching is big. Individuals can have their herds in a particular place and feed them. Here, they are not waiting to be incited. Whoever goes against the law will face the consequences.ā€ Arakunrin Akeredolu said.

Governor Akeredolu disclosed that his administration is working round the clock to involve private public organizations in ranching and provision of feedlot.

He vowed to continue to do what is right in the interest of the people of the state, adding that he was elected to protect and serve the people.

ā€œMy own interest is that the livelihood of my people in Ondo state is not destroyed. It is better to haul cattle and bring them here for people to come and buy. The way of life of bringing them here is anachronistic .

ā€œIā€™m happy he (El-Rufai) is now setting up ranching. I am happy Kastina state is also setting up ranches. We donā€™t want to destroy the means of livelihood of our people. We are voted to protect the people.ā€

When asked whether the insistence of the Southern Governors that the South must produce the next President will not further tear the fabric of the nationā€™s unity, Governor Akeredolu explained that the only way the country can remain United is to have fairness, Equality and Justice.

He stress that since the North will be spending eight years, it is only fair that the power rotation must now come to the South for justice and equality.

ā€œThe only way we remain united is that there must be fairness, equality and justice. We are saying if the North has eight years, we must have it in the south.

ā€œWhen we say south, those of us Governors in the south who met in Asaba are 17. We never mentioned which area in the south. We are not segmenting south. If it goes to the southeast, we will support them.

ā€œWe have a right of association. We are discussing matters that affect our interest. We have taken our decision and we have our strategies. Part of our strategies is consultation. We donā€™t have to tell you.ā€ He stressed.

When asked to clarify his description of the former Lagos State Governor and National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, (APC), Asiwaju Bola Tinubu as the ā€œCaponā€ , Governor Akeredolu said what he meant was that Tinubu was ā€˜Boss of all Bossesā€™.

Richard Olatunde

Chief Press Secretary to the Governor of Ondo State.




President Muhammadu Buhari has written the National Assembly on proposed Administrative Structure Amendments to the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021.

In the letter to President of the Senate, Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, the President said ā€œhaving carefully reviewed the administrative structure of both the Commission and the Authority, I would like to propose the following amendments:

  1. Appointment of Non-Executive Board Members
  2. Removal of the Ministries of Petroleum and Finance from the Board of the two institutions
  3. Appointment of Executive Directors.

Under A, President Buhari observed that PIA 2021 provided for the appointment of two non-executive members for the board of the two regulatory institutions, but he is of the view that the membership limitation has not addressed the principle of balanced geopolitical representation of the country.

ā€œI, therefore, pray for the intervention of the 9th Assembly to correct this oversight in the interest of our national unity,ā€ he added, noting that if the amendment is approved, it will increase the number of the non-executive members from two to six: one person from each of the geopolitical zones of the country.

Under B, President Buhari opined that the proposed amendment will increase the membership of the Board from 9 to 13, and strengthen the institutions and guarantee national spread, and also achieve the expected policy contributions.

He observed that the Ministries of Petroleum and Finance already have supervision or inter-governmental relations, and can continue to perform such roles without being in the Board.

On C, which is appointment of Executive Directors, President Buhari noted the need to exempt serving public officers from the established confirmation process for political appointments, adding that it will ensure effective management of the regulatory institutions through uniform implementation of public service rules for employees of the Authority.

He stressed that the proposed amendments to the PIA 2021 is strictly about the structure, aimed at ensuring smooth take-off and consequent growth of the two institutions.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

September 21, 2021




President Muhammadu Buhari joins the entertainment industry in Nigeria and world over, particularly performing artistes, in celebrating with legendary juju singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adegeye aka King Sunny Ade on his 75th birthday, September 22, 2021.

The President extols the courage, foresight and innovative spirit of the music artiste, who has since graduated into an authority in the literary and theatrical world, sharing his talent as a visiting Professor of Music at Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife and championing many development causes.

President Buhari believes King Sunny Adeā€™s several nominations for the Grammy, being the first Nigerian for such recognition, brought the spotlight on Nigeriaā€™s multi-talented artistes, creating opportunities for many nominations and an eventual win that further boosted the countryā€™s image among comity of nations.

The President notes the focus, discipline, business and administrative savvy that the guitarist and dancer introduced into the music industry in Nigeria, encouraging creativity and entrepreneurship by setting up a foundation to cater for budding talents.

As the multi-talented instrumentalist turns 75, President Buhari prays for longer life and Godā€™s blessings on his family.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media & Publicity)

September 21, 2021



President Muhammadu Buhari has written the Senate to confirm appointments of the Secretary and Board members of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC); Chairman, Chief Executive and Executive Commissioners for the Upstream Regulatory Commission; and Chairman, Chief Executive and Executive Directors for the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority.

In letters to President of the Senate, Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, the President said he was acting in accordance with the provisions of the different laws governing the establishments.

Nominees for the EFCC Board are; George Abang Ekpungu, Secretary of the Commission (Cross River); Lukman Muhammed, (Edo), Anumba Adaeze (Enugu), Alhaji Kola Raheem Adesina (Kwara), and Alhaji Yahaya Muhammad (Yobe).

For the upstream Regulatory Commission, Isa Ibrahim Modibbo is nominated as Chairman; Engr. Gbenga Komolafe, Chief Executive; Hassan Gambo, Executive Commissioner, Finance and Accounts; and Ms Rose C. Ndong, Executive Commissioner, Exploration and Acreage Management.

Chairman nominee of the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority is Idaere Gogo Ogan; Engr. Sarki Auwalu, Chief Executive; Abiodun A. Adeniji, Executive Director, Finance and Accounts; and Ogbugo Ukoha, Executive Director, Distributions Systems, Storage and Retail Infrastructure.

President Buhari urged the Senate to consider and confirm the nominees in an expeditious manner.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

September 21, 2021





President Muhammadu Buhari and President Evariste Ndayishimiye of Republic of Burundi met Tuesday on the margins of the 76th United Nations General Assembly holding in New York, United States of America, with Nigeria pledging to provide assistance to the brother African country.

ā€œWe will be proactive, and give support to the best of our abilities,ā€ President Buhari promised.

The Burundian President assured that his country was out of conflict, ā€œthere is now peace and reconciliation, and we have vast opportunities to exploit.ā€

He said his country was looking for support of friendly nations in the areas of oil supply, agriculture, mines, and several others, which Nigerian experts can provide.

Femi Adesina

Special Adviser to the President

(Media and Publicity)

September 21, 2021











ā€¦State Agency Organises Conference On Outdoor Advertising

By 2030, the smart city ambition of Lagos State would have been fully realised, Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu said on Thursday.

The Governor said his administration would continue to leverage technology to transform the Stateā€™s economy while easing impediments for businesses to flourish.

Sanwo-Olu said his administration had begun the implementation of the smart city plan with the rollout of 6,000km metro fibre optics, which is the requisite infrastructure for the smart city project. In the next nine years, the Governor said every residence, school and office in Lagos would have access to fast Internet connectivity.

Advanced technology and high bandwidth penetration, he said, would bring more prosperity to businesses and MSMEs operating in the State.

The Governor spoke at the 2021 Out-of-Home Advertising Conference and Exhibition organised by the Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA). The event was held at Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island.

Sanwo-Olu, represented by his deputy, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, said the State Government would provide supporting infrastructure and leverage data to enhance capacity of small and medium scale enterprises.

Speaking on the theme: ā€œRoad map for the Growth of Signage and Out-of-Home Advertisement post Covid-19 in Lagos,ā€ Sanwo-Olu said his administration had started to address challenges impeding transformation of State into 21st century economy.

He said: ā€œAs a Government, we recognise that we have a role to play in creating enabling and regulatory environment for business to grow, while addressing the impact of the pandemic on business activity. Our focus is on pushing forward on our Smart City agenda to transform businesses, including marketing and advertising business.

ā€œTechnology is the current value of exchange globally and our smart city plan is predicted on this. We dream to become a Smart City of relevance and our main goal is to optimise city functions and promote economic growth while also improving the quality of the lives of our citizens. By using smart technologies and data analysis, we can properly plan based on predictions.

ā€œWe are making appreciable progress in the ongoing laying of metropolitan optic fibre, as well as the installation of smart cameras in strategic locations across the State. We believe that these two projects are critical to enhancing the ability of businesses to effectively operate. This technology will be supported by efficient and stronger bandwidth connectivity.ā€

Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Mr. Tunji Bello, said the conference would create a roadmap for the out-of-home advertising industry and foster effective collaboration with all stakeholders in the sector.

He said the conference had established the nexus between outdoor advertising and the Smart City plans of the State, stressing that the Governorā€™s T.H.E.M.E.S. agenda was designed to fundamentally transform the social and business environment.

ā€œThe outdoor advertising sector is witnessing unprecedented growth in diverse forms, particularly in the deployment of innovation and technology infrastructure which seemed almost impossible some twenty years ago. This conference and exhibition will further stimulate ideas that will benefit the outdoor advertising industry not only in Lagos, but nationally. Lagos will remain the hub for advertising business and we will continue to set standards in the sector,ā€ Bello said.

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA), Prince Adedamola Docemo, said the objective of the conference was to raise the confidence of stakeholders in the Sanwo-Olu administration as a public sector partner.

He said the agency would be rolling out policies and programmes that would improve sectoral investment, drive sustainable growth, encourage regular engagement and development of the State.




SEPTEMBER 23, 2021






It is a very exciting homecoming for me to return to Bauchi State, named after the ancient and historic Emirate of Bauchi, the home of the Yankari Game Reserve, a great gift of nature to Nigeria.


But Bauchi is not just home to Yankari, it is home to some very great and inimitable patriots who have served our country.


Perhaps Bauchiā€™s most famous son is Abubakar Tafewa Balewa, but Bauchi also gave Nigeria the Katagums, the Giades, the Toros, the Ahmeds, the Yugudas and so many other illustrious sons and daughters who have dedicated their lives to the service of our nation.


Of course we could not have this event here today without the support and commitment of another Bauchi son, who has followed the path of his illustrious predecessors in public service.


I speak of none other than our chief host HE Sen. Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed, former Minister of the Federal Capital and now Governor of Bauchi State.


Your Excellency, I bring to you and the people of Bauchi the goodwill of the Federal Government and the best wishes of President Muhammadu Buhari and thank you for accepting to host this National Council.


Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the theme chosen for this yearā€˜s council is ā€œInfrastructure delivery, The Maintenance Economy and National Prosperityā€ and I hope it would help all of us focus on, not just the importance of the investment in infrastructure, but more importantly on the maintenance of infrastructure, the economy around maintenance and sustainable and long lasting jobs that are created through maintenance.


Since the implementation of the Marshall plan in 1948, after the Second World War, it has become clear to any serious minded economist or politician that infrastructure provision is critical to development, growth, wealth creation, employment and prosperity.


I have said and I will repeat it here, that infrastructure investment is the most legitimate way to distribute wealth in any economy.


This is why it is not surprising that during campaigns for elections and after elections, you will find discussions not only centering around roads, bridges, rails, schools, hospitals, water supply and power supply to be provided, you will also find that in the inauguration speech of every President, Prime Minister, Governor and other elected public officers, time is dedicated to addressing the provision of infrastructure.


I am sure our host will recall that he made similar commitments in his inauguration speech on May 29, 2019:


ā€œā€¦at the core of this mandate is the crucial drive to give Bauchi State citizens a better prospect and greater opportunity for a prosperous life. Reducing poverty and empowering our citizens in the areas of Agriculture, Education, urban and rural infrastructure among others.ā€


The reason for this is not far-fetched. The nations that are richer than us have more infrastructure than us and in order to bridge this gap we have to invest; because no nation or community can grow bigger than the stock of infrastructure.


Infrastructure also helps to make people efficient, it creates competition and leads to productivity. Currently the Federal Government is executing 895 contracts in 795 projects spanning over 13,000 km of roads and bridges nationwide.


Across all of these, engineers, geologists, surveyors, lawyers, bankers, suppliers, artisans and laborers are involved in an ecosystem of enterprise from which they earn a daily, weekly or other periodic income.


But that is only part of the story, the employment. The other parts include improved asset value, because everywhere a new road or bridge is built, the land value appreciates by up to 30% creating enormous capital gain.


On the completed sections of the roads, journeys that used to take days now take only a few hours, journeys that took hours are now reduced to minutes; and if it is true that time is money, clearly reduced journey times currently being delivered across Nigerian roads is money either through savings on journeys and fuel cost, or utilization of time saved for other productive activities, not to mention the Health benefits attributable to shorter travel time and reduced stress.


So when President Buhari committed on June 12, 2019 to taking 100 million people out of poverty in 10 years, his vision was not a Federal Government vision but a national one, which has started with the work being undertaken in all states and FCT and to which the Federal Government is contributing through infrastructure.


In the pursuit of this National vision, I urge all of us to embrace the more wholistic view and definition of poverty as not only the number of jobs, or amount of cash, but also well-being, efficiency and the lack of access.


For example if a one-hour journey takes six hours even in the best car, or land value is stagnant because it lacks an access road, the reversal of these situations by improved journey time or provision of access roads are steps towards prosperity.


Similarly, all those employed in the process of building the roads, surveyors, contractors, engineers, bankers, artisans, suppliers and lawyers have certainly been impacted on the income side.


Regrettably we cannot build forever and so when the infrastructure project is completed, most of those employed in the building must leave the site to look for new opportunities.


This is the heart of the matter and this is the message that the theme of this council seeks to focus on. What should we do in addition to building infrastructure, in order to keep the jobs on.


The answer, Ladies and Gentlemen is simple. We must maintain the infrastructure we built.


This is important for many reasons, the first of which is that we preserve the life of the infrastructure and get the best value for the money we spent on it.


The second reason is that a maintenance economy is a critical contributor and driver of GDP in many economies around the world.


You will notice that I have spoken about a ā€œmaintenance economyā€ not a ā€œmaintenance culture.ā€ This is because maintenance is not a cultural thing, it is an existential matter of survival, bread and butter and income.


Available data shows that in the ā€œbuilt industryā€ only about 30% of the manpower is employable by design and construction which lasts until the project is completed; while the remaining 70% are employed in the process of ā€œoperationā€ and ā€œmaintenanceā€ of the infrastructure.


These are the reasons why the development of a maintenance economy must commend itself to all of us here and why we must all return home not only to think about it, but to do something about it.


The question is what needs to be done? My answer is that we must develop policies to stimulate the economy of maintenance.


All that we need to do is take a look at the state of existing infrastructure, and we are likely to see bridges with damaged expansion joints and bearings, buildings with broken windows and leaking pipes, doors that do not lock properly, toilets that do not work well and so much more.


If we reflect on what we see, we will realize that these are jobs for plumbers, carpenters, printers, foundry workers and many more skilled and unskilled people in our country and it is our responsibility to connect these people to the opportunities that infrastructure in disrepair represents for sustainable employment.


The Federal Government has already initiated such a policy in 2019, and we are now at implementation stage.


This has seen the Head of the Federal Civil Service approve the creation of the Department for Federal Public Asset Maintenance.


The next step is for each Ministry Department and Agency (MDA) of government to set up their own units for maintenance, undertake a condition assessment of their infrastructure, develop a maintenance plan, and implement the procurement for annual periodic and scheduled maintenance.


You might want to ask what this will do? My answer is that it will immediately begin to create jobs.


From the first stage of condition assessment, people are employed to inspect, assess, measure, document, photograph and do many things in the process of ascertaining what the infrastructure needs.


In 9 (nine) facilities that we assessed the conditions of fittings such as fans, air conditioners, light fittings, toilets and wash hand basin, we found that out of 41,800 installations 12,459 representing 29.8% were not functioning. These are peopleā€™s jobs to repair, supply, replace and install as the case may be.


The development of the maintenance plan and the procurement plan leading to invitation to tender and award of maintenance contracts for rehabilitation and facility management is a sure pathway to job creation.


Currently we are undertaking maintenance works on 41 (Forty-One) bridges that has employed 1,157 people directly and created 3,309 indirect jobs and we have facility management contracts for 25 federal secretariats across Nigeria after we completed renovation works. Each facility manager employs at least 40 people.


This is only a tip of the iceberg because the supply side that supports maintenance involves the purchase and supply of paint, bleach, rakes, brooms and other tools which create employment for small and medium size enterprises which is another activity of economic empowerment.


When we started the office of Facility Management in Lagos State, I recall one day when we awarded contracts for the facility management of 600 schools. This was employment not only for 600 small contractors but also for the people that were employed to do the job.


Ladies and Gentlemen, when we see functional and efficient public assets in other parts of the world there is no secret to it. It is evidence of a maintenance economy led by government.


Our federal maintenance initiative has assessed schools, courts, hospitals, correctional facilities and police buildings and is getting ready to commence work on them. I commend the same to you in your states if you want to create sustainable jobs.


Thank you for listening.



Babatunde Raji Fashola SAN

Honourable Minister of Works and Housing







  • Lagos to Support 5,000 Indigent Mothers in M.I.C.H Initiative


Lagos State has launched a comprehensive nutrition programmeĀ to tackle cognitive and learning disabilities in newborns. Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, on Wednesday, rolled out the Mother, Infant and Child (M.I.C.H.) Initiative to address nutritional needs of pregnant women across the 57 Local Government Areas (LGAs) and Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs).


The scheme aims to raise the level of care for expectant mothers in underserved communities throughout their pregnancy periods. It is also to support development of infantsā€™ brains from foetus to neonatal stage, especially in the first 2,000 days said to be significant in a childā€™s formative stage.


The health initiative is a key component of the Womb To School Programme – a basket of social investments initiated by the Sanwo-Olu administration to facilitate human capital development and to raise socially responsible citizens from the womb through infancy, childhood, and into adulthood.


Deputy Governor, Dr. Obafemi Hamzat, Head of Service, Mr. Hakeem Muri-Okunola, First Lady, Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu and, Deputy Governorā€™s wife, Mrs. Oluremi Hamzat, attended the event held at the Government Secretariat in Alausa.


Office of the Civic Engagement coordinates the M.I.C.H. project.


Before the initiative was fully launched, the pilot phase was rolled out in 11 councils, with the State Government providing nutritional foods and supplements for 3,000 indigentĀ pregnant women.


Sanwo-Olu said the Government realised the roles of women in the socio-economic development of the State, thereby taking the proactive step to improve maternal and child condition. The programme, he added, would also protect the rights of our women and children.


He said: ā€œThe M.I.C.H. Initiative that is being launched today is not just an integral part of our plan to improve maternal and child condition, but it also speaks of our desire to protect the wellbeing and rights of our women and children in Lagos. We will be reaching out to indigent pregnant women and cater for their care during the period of their pregnancy in order to ensure safe delivery, healthy mother and child.


ā€œOur target is to reach 5,000 underprivileged pregnant women who will be selected by doctors and specialists in each primary healthcare centre across the State to access the M.I.C.H food packs that contain recommended daily nutritional composition of protein, carbohydrate, lactose, milk fat, fibre, calcium, folic acid and multi-vitamins.ā€


To access the programme, Sanwo-Olu said selected beneficiaries would be issued approved M.I.C.H. Collection Cards individually for the Government to monitor the distribution of nutrient-filled supplements on a weekly basis.


The Governor said the initiative would take off in flagship health centres in areas that include Ikeja, Badagry, Epe, Ikorodu, Agege, Lagos-Island, Eti-Osa, Alimosho, Somolu, Kosofe and Ibeju.


The benefitting pregnant women, he added, would also receive quality care and follow-up through home visits by a dedicated team of public and state-approved private community health workers and medical consultants.


Aside the State Governmentā€™s investment in fully-equipped Maternal and Child Centres (MCCs) in the last two years, Sanwo-Olu said the MICH Initiative was conceived to protect infants from preventable impairment in neurological and physical development.


ā€œWe are convinced that there is no better time than now to leverage advanced technology, modern equipment and well-trained health staff to put an end to preventable maternal mortality and disabilities in infants. The process of bringing life into existence should no longer lead to the loss of another life; this is why we are initiating policies and investing in the Mother and Child Sector to ensure that we drastically reduce and eliminate maternal mortality in Lagos,ā€ the Governor said.


Special Adviser to the Governor on Civic Engagement, Princess Aderemi Adebowale, explained that the beneficiaries would go through four stages of care, stressing that expectant mothers would have access to weekly supply of balanced diet.


She said: ā€œOur objective is to ensure that the programme continues to provide free care and supplement packs for underprivileged pregnant women throughout pregnancy. This would prevent malnutrition and save the foetus from deficiencies that cause stunted growth.ā€


Commissioner for Health, Prof. Akin Abayomi, said nutritious diets remained essential supplements required by an expectant mother during pregnancy, stressing that a nutrient deficient infant would go through irregular brain development. This, he said, may limit the childā€™s ability in adulthood.


Sanwo-Olu launched the M.I.C.H. Initiative in a swarm of nursing mothers who benefitted from the pilot phase of the programme.






SEPTEMBER 22, 2021








Global experts, Politicians, others set for SPCC 70TH Anniversary

Politicians in Nigeria, experts in different parts of the world, religious leaders, traditional rulers and members of the organized private sector will participate in the 70th Anniversary Celebration of one of the elite secondary schools in Nigeria, St Peter Claverā€™s College, Aghalokpe on Saturday, October 16, 2021.

ā€˜ā€™St Peter Claverā€™s College, Aghalokpe has made great achievements in the past 70 years. Therefore, Saturday, October 16, 2021 is a day of celebrating SPCCā€™s past, recognizing individuals who have made remarkable contributions and sharing old memoriesā€™ā€™ a statement issued in Aghalokpe by the Chairman of SPCC 70th Anniversary Organizing Committee, Chief Kingsley Omokri said.

The statement announced Friday, October 15 to Sunday, October 17, 2021 as the date of the 70th anniversary celebration.

The statement listed the building of a proper college gate, interlocking of the college roads, massive renovation of principal’s quarters, rehabilitation of all the college laboratories, senior staff quarters and construction of a brand new IT Centre as major projects of the SPCC Old Boys Association.

ā€™SPCC development stories have set an example for other associations in Delta Stateā€™ā€™.

The statement emphasized the achievements and contributions that the Old Boys Association made in the past.

It pointed out that the Old Boys Association in the immediate past rehabilitated the college hall, junior staff quarters, chapel and the college administrative building (principalā€™s office, staff room and library,



A group, Ondo Coalition 2020, has saluted the visionary leadership of the Ondo State Governor, Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Akeredolu, SAN, particularly in the area of security of lives and property of the people of the state.

The group, made up of over 26 political parties, ethnic groups, trade unions, youths groups, women amongst others, also commended Governor Akeredolu’s ingenuity in developing the state despite the paucity of fund.

Members of the group led by its chairman, Akin Akinbobola, were received by the Governor at the Cocoa Conference Hall of the Governorā€™s Office on Tuesday.

Akinbobola, who described Arakunrin Akeredolu as a voice, noted that the Governor has led an impactful government in the last four years in office.

He said: ā€You have the oil of God poured on you. You came Into governance at a critical time when Ondo state needed a clear leader with a clear vision. You came at a time when there is no fund but within four years, you have done what some Governors can not do for eight years.

ā€œYou have led an impactful government. In the last four years, the people of Ondo state have seen genuineness. We salute your efforts on the Ondo deep sea port.

ā€œWe salute your efforts on the Bitumen exploration. You are a voice. Thank you on the issue of Amotekun. We also commend you on the signing of the Anti-Open grazing bill into law. These are indications that you are a visionary leader. I was young when Awolowo left.We have been looking up to some leaders but they disappointed us. Mr. Governor, you didnā€™t disappoint us. We are proud of you.ā€

Responding, Governor Akeredolu said the various achievements recorded by his administration were made possible by God.

He thanked the group for their support during the last governorship election while assuring them of his administrationā€™s commitment to more development in the state.







Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze who feels elated for the privilege to do a detailed and expository book on his friend, associate and Political Leader, Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, erstwhile Governor of Rivers State and extraordinary Minister of Transportation, says the work captures in rich details, the past and present legacies, development model and political beau ideal of Amaechi.


Dr Dakuku Peterside, a close ally and confidant of Chief Eze, wrote the bookā€™s classical exordium.


Chief Ezeā€™s irresistibly appealing and succinct proem of Dr. Dakuku Peterside exposes more facts about the Niger Delta rare breed and composite gentleman;

ā€œmy friend and brother, Dr. Dakuku Adolphus Peterside, is a composite of the class of well-bred and consummate politician from the Niger Delta region who has earned himself a pride of place and found his niche in public administration as the most outstanding Commissioner of Works on the books of Rivers State. An erstwhile member of the Federal House of Representatives and mannerly gentleman, Dr. Peterside, was the Governorship Candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Rivers State, in the 2015 general elections. He served meritoriously as Director-General (DG) of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) and emerged first Nigerian to head the Association of African Maritime Administrators (AAMA); a strategic regional body set up to harness the potentials of the African Maritime Industry, with a view to strengthening cooperation at the regional, continental and international levels in harmonizing policies and goals necessary for the growth of the African Maritime Sector. He is the author of the bestseller; ā€˜Strategic Turnaroundā€™, a book which centers on the transformational change in an African maritime administration.


Dakuku once exclaimed; “Always VINTAGE EZE, like no other. I challenge anybody in the land today. No Journalist has as much information on anybody like Chief EZE C EZE. Chief EZE is without doubt a repository of knowledgeā€.


Dakukuā€™s affirmative exclamation as captured above, simply lends credence to the widely held view that Eze is repertoire of contemporary standard in literary mechanics.


Thus, one needs no further exposition to quickly align with the opinion of the reading public and leading proponents of truth, who have described the former nPDP Spokesman, as the numero uno in contemporary journalism.


Describing the project as pure inspiration, Eze said he was spurred by the exigency of the need and public yearn to educate the world on certain crucial issues about Amaechi that may be missing in the public domain.


ā€œThose facts and many more espouse the common inclination and popular demand made upon me, to assist Nigerians with the responsibility of unearthing some hidden facts about the life and politics of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi, an enigma whose model of leadership and public service is an archetype of its own and qualifies for a studyā€.


Emphasising the need to preserve the legacies of the most outstanding Minister in the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, whose tenure as Governor is known to be the golden age of governance in Rivers State, a respected youth leader, Mr. Chris Joseph, demanded thus, “Chief Eze, after reading series of highly educative and expository articles on Amaechi, I wish to suggest that all these write-ups be compiled in a book for future reference and for students of Government”.


The litany of cheering reactions and glee of accolades that accompany Ezeā€™s daily media engagements are testamentary to the efficacy of his works in criticizing societal ills and tackling undesirable events, with the view to restoring sanity in the society.


Below is the classical prefatory remark of Dr. Dakuku Peterside, on the Book;

“Recording events and important milestones for posterity started before formal writing in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), where the use of cuneiform was prominent between 3400 and 3300 BC, and shortly afterwards in Egypt at around 3200 BC. The realisations that human memory is short and passage of information from one generation to another is unreliable were the primary reasons for this art form.


Record keeping later evolved to literature. And the earliest literary authors recorded events for people to understand why some actions and inactions took place, the evolution of events, and the socio-cultural and political functions of political gladiators and groups. This development led to our ability to reminisce constructively and deconstruct vital lessons from historical events whilst preserving important information.


Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze, by this seminal work, has followed this tradition. He has fused the past with the present to create a compelling written documentary about one great political figure of contemporary Nigeria.


For the first time, somebody has looked at classified and unclassified documents, speeches, biographies, newspaper commentaries, and as a participant-observer to document the remarkable life and leadership of Rt Hon Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi.


More importantly, these events have been put in perspective by someone who was and still is an active participant in the events that defined the politics of Nigeria in the first two decades of the 21st century. This book is a rare collection of essential facts, hitherto not available to most persons who are interested in knowing the truth about the political developments around Rt Hon C. R. Amaechi.


Vintage Eze, through this book, provides a wealth of knowledge and insights about how the master political leader in CR Amaechi was able to navigate political landmines and rose to the pinnacle of leadership. Chief Eze’s account provides stories that have not been told before in this way and at the same time brings clues that make the total picture clear.


This book essentially is a new perspective and a compelling first-hand authentic story that only a master storyteller can share.


Chief Eze, through this work, has taken us through the most significant highlights of the Rotimi Amaechi personae in public life. This account is outside the imagination of those who thought they have information on the Amaechi years.


Chief Eze brings a fresh dimension that clarifies and takes the reader to the inner recesses of how Rt Hon Amaechi accomplished excellent results despite artificial roadblocks and other challenges.


By reading this book, I am sure you will understand how others view Rt Hon Amaechi and what makes him loved, respected, dreaded and appreciated. Most importantly it will be for you as it was for me the beginning of a deeper exploration of the quintessential C R Amaechi.


Few persons are more qualified to document Rt Hon Amaechi’s impactful and definitive leadership than Chief Eze. He is a prolific commentator on national and international issues, an accomplished journalist, an excellent reporter of events, stepped in background facts not available to any other storyteller, opinion moulder and people’s advocate.


Chief Eze started reporting on the Amaechi journey of transformational leadership before becoming a political colossus and a national leader of stature. In his days as Governor of Rivers State, as Director-General of President Buhari’s Campaign Organization and as Minister of Transportation, Chief Eze was there through his numerous battles. He has access to all the political gladiators that no other person within the political ranks has.


Most importantly, He acts out of conviction and deep understanding of the complex web of events that shaped critical historical events in the life of CR Amaechi.


Finally, I thank chief Eze for giving me the privilege to read his book before others and an even more incredible honour to write the foreword.” Dakuku Peterside PhD, Author of Strategic Turnaround, Story of a government agency; turnaround expert, leadership Coach and columnist.


Eze who expressed his unalloyed appreciation to Amaechi for all his support and encouragement in ensuring that I didn’t give up in embarking on such a gigantic project.


Conforming to the words of Jacques Maritain when he stated that ā€œgratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy,ā€ Eze expressed deep appreciation to the Editorial Team, comprising of Prof. Innocent Agu, Mr. Bekee Anyalechi, a seasoned and respected Journalist; Barr. Ogechukwu Okparanta, a very young, vibrant and brilliant Lawyer; and of course, my good friend and brother Prof. Nwankwo, for their massive supports and contributions in raising the bar of the book.


Eze also applauded Hon. Onari Brown, the Executive Director, Marine and Operations, Nigerian PortsĀ  Authority (NPA), whom he described as a true brother, for his support and for providing an extraordinary laptop to facilitate works on the book as well as Prof. Henry Ugboma, the CMD of UPTH, whose inputs andĀ  contributions he said, must not go unnoticed.


As the work nears completion, Eze is optimisticĀ  that the book will surely see the light of day not minding the obvious obstacles, God willing.






Chief Eze Chukwuemeka Eze,


APC Chieftain & former National Publicity Secretary, nPDP


22 ā€“ 09ā€“ 21


KADUNA UPDATE: Statement of Gratitude by Malam Nasir El-Rufai following the Local Government Elections of 4th September 2021,

LG polls: Victory for democracy, boost for unity in Kaduna State

  1. With utmost humility, I wish to express profound gratitude to the people of Kaduna State for the largely peaceful and orderly conduct of the local government elections of 4th September 2021. On behalf of the Kaduna State Government, I pay tribute to the residents of our state for their maturity and sophistication in exercising their democratic right to freely choose their leaders at the local level.
  2. As Governor of Kaduna State, I have always taken the view that we all win when democracy triumphs. We congratulate all the winners in the local government elections and challenge them to use their period in office to serve the people, uphold democratic tenets and promote peace in our state. These local government elections have demonstrated that the APC government of Kaduna State stands resolutely for free and fair elections. We have placed the credibility and integrity of the electoral process above the discredited practice of previous governments that sought to win every contested seat by all means
  3. I commend the people of Kaduna State for showing, for the second time, that there is no obstacle to the successful adoption of electronic voting technology in Nigeria. In 2021, the people of Kaduna State have repeated the conclusive argument first made in 2018 for our country as a whole to fully automate the voting process.
  4. Voters in Kaduna State first made history on 12th May 2018 when they cast their ballots on electronic voting machines to elect chairmen and councillors for the 23 local government councils in our state. It is the participation of our people that has placed Kaduna State as the first in Nigeria to use electronic voting, the first subnational in Africa to do so and has also positioned Nigeria as only the second country in Africa after Namibia to use the technology.
  5. The local government elections of 4th September 2021 further validate the Kaduna State Governmentā€™s decision to invest in Electronic Voting Machines to promote electoral integrity and transparency. Kaduna State is proudly upholding a new chapter in elections in Nigeria, using electronic voting technology, championed by a government that is determined to respect the outcome, win or lose.
  6. As an elected governor, I welcome the successful impact on deepening democracy of the policy decision we took to adopt electronic voting. It is our hope that elected leaders at the local level will use their democratic mandates to advance the reforms we have introduced in local government administration in the interest of our people.
  7. As leader of the APC in Kaduna State, I wish to express fulsome gratitude to the people of Kaduna State for the support they gave our candidates during the local government elections. Our people again demonstrated with their votes that they recognise our efforts to empower them, to educate their children properly, to secure better healthcare for them and to return their priorities to the heart of government.
  8. I am particularly pleased that our governance attainments and determined efforts to promote democracy are helping to further unity in our state. We welcome the results in the Kaduna South Senatorial District as a significant step in advancing political consensus in our state and overcoming division. We are most grateful to the people of the Kaduna South Senatorial District whose votes have helped expand the APCā€™s footprint in the area. The voters have given the APC victory in four of the seven local government where elections were conducted in southern Kaduna.
  9. In addition to retaining Sanga and Kagarko which we won in 2018, the APC has won in Jemaā€™a and Kauru local government councils. The unprecedented victory in Jemaā€™a augurs well for advancing unity and commitment to common endeavours in the interest of unity, peace and progress in our state. It is an embrace that we do not take for granted. We accept it as a moment for opening new vistas, extending bridges and saying farewell to needless divisions.
  10. This emphatic statement at the ballot box has shattered the unhelpful myth that any part of our state is an impregnable stronghold of any party. It has removed the baseless stereotyping of certain parties as ethnic bastions and religious vehicles. I call on all leaders and citizens in our state to cherish this moment and make it the beginning of an enduring rapprochement. I say to every part of Kaduna State that we can achieve much together if we put our minds and our hearts to it.
  11. Once again, I thank all the people of Kaduna State. It is humbling and reassuring that after six years in office, our people find our record of service compelling enough to vote for us. Our opponents portrayed the local government elections as a referendum on the performance of our government. The people have repudiated the vain hopes of an entitled segment of the political elite that our people would punish us at the polls for taking consequential decisions in favour of ordinary people. The people have spoken again, and their views resoundingly denounce the selfish claims of political merchants. They have rejected populist timidity as credible political behaviour in a state that seeks rapid and enduring progress.
  12. Our party has won a great victory across the state. We salute those who voted for us. We did not win every local government, although we campaigned hard to do well everywhere. And having worked hard to make our case to the people, we respect the views of those who chose differently!
  13. We have restored democracy at the local level. We have reformed the local government system, enabling them to deliver services at the grassroots and for the bankrupt ones to move to solvency. And we hope that the newly elected officials will run these councils in an inspiring, new way. The elected chairmen and councillors, of any party, assume a sacred obligation to deliver for the people, to move closer to realising the goal for which they were established. We are convinced that democratic governance at the local level must have a substantive, real impact in the lives of people.
  14. I wish to put on record our gratitude for the efforts of Dr. Saratu Dikko- Audu and her team at SIECOM for successfully repeating a revolution in election management in Nigeria. I thank the security agencies for providing a safe canopy for our people to joyfully exercise their democratic preferences.
  15. However, we have sadly noted that those political forces that do not want free and fair elections tried to sabotage the process. We will investigate and prosecute those indicted.
  16. As a government, we are grateful for this resounding endorsement. We do not have much time to savour the victory. We get back to work, to continue to do our best until the next elections.

God bless Kaduna State!

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai

7th September 2021


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